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Spotfire 11 - Cross table - method not documented - Resize columns to fit

Andreea Constantin

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I'm working with a dynamic crosstable and because of the continous axes possible changes, the view of the columns is getting hard to be followed.

I tried to find in documentantion the Resize Columns to fit in order to include this in the IronPython scripts attached to my document.

I was not able to find it.

Does someone know how to automatically resize the columns in order to fit accordingly

Thank you,


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Andreea,

Currently, there is no API available to set this "Resize Columns to Fit" property.

There is an existing enhancement request for the same in our Ideas portal and I can see that you have already added your comments to it. Thanks for that.https://ideas.tibco.com/ideas/TS-I-6051

As of now, you can set the cell width manually, please refer to the community article:https://community.spotfire.com/wiki/how-style-cross-table-cell-heightcolumn...

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From this questionhttps://community.spotfire.com/questions/cross-table-column-width-not-working

if you scroll to the bottom:

from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals import CrossTablePlot

vc = vc.As[CrossTablePlot]()

vc.CellWidth = 250

maybe you could try resizing all the cells in one go . Not sure why the answer did not work in this specific case.

If you are already inside an Iron Python script, maybe you know the length of the widest column and you could set the cell width to that (rather than a fixed value like 250). The number of characters times a factor (e.g. 7, may depend on font type and size) might work to approximate the width given the column label.

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