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How to use data column as variable in a script

Bernhard Fleischmann

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this might be an easy one for experienced users. I want to use a small script to link to a URL from an icon in a graphical table.

I am creating the URL using Concatenate in a calculated column. How can I pull it into the script to replace the URL part in the example below

import System


Thanks in advance,


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Hi Bernhard,

When clicking on a graphical table icon, this marks the data - from that, you can get the value of your calculated column and then open that URL.

Something like this:

# Copyright 2021. TIBCO Software Inc.

# License: https://community.spotfire.com/wiki/tibco-bsd-style-license

# Author: Andrew Berridge, TIBCO Software, February 2022


# Open a URL from a calculated column - used as an action in a graphical table

# Parameters - graphicalTable - the graphical table must be supplied



from System import Array,Guid,String,Object

import System

from Spotfire.Dxp.Data import *

from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals import VisualContent


vis = graphicalTable.As[VisualContent]()

dataTable = vis.Data.DataTableReference

marking = vis.Data.MarkingReference


cursor = DataValueCursor.CreateFormatted(dataTable.Columns["Url"])


for row in dataTable.GetRows(marking.GetSelection(dataTable).AsIndexSet(), cursor):

url = cursor.CurrentValue

print url



# unmark marked rows:

marking.SetSelection(RowSelection(IndexSet(dataTable.RowCount, False)), dataTable)I hope that helps!

Andrew Berridge (TIBCO Data Science)

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