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Load Text Area vizualisation code from library

Luc Benichou

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We have on multiple pages banner and menus,theyare codedin HTLM/CSS/JS within Text Area vizualisation.

To avoid duplication and simplify maintenance we would like to load them from the library.


Would you know a way to loadText Area vizualisation code from the Library




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Depending on the architectural design of your page banner and menus, you can encapsulate all the html, css, js on a single javascript file. You will need a placeholder on the textarea to inject all that good html sauce in it. Your script can be as flexible as you'd like by adding parameters. Attached is a sample script that generates a drawer sliding from the rightbased on this approach.


You can only import scripts from the library this way, so I recommend keep the script on a separate dxp file on the library to avoid importing inecesary scripts every time. It would be nice to store javascript files in the library as well. Maybe in a future version of Spotfire, so I encourage everybody to vote up this idea and this other one





my drawer contents

You can put here whatever you want, including spotfire controls







open/close Drawerjs


Description: shows a drawer from the right of the screen (working on having it show from top, bottom and left side of the screen)



your stuff here








//script parameters






var Drawer = function(containerSelector){


this.container = (containerSelector) $(containerSelector) : $('body');





Drawer.prototype = {

init: function(){

//fetch template (not need if using requirejs...)

var html = `

replaced by id contents
















position: fixed;


top: 40px;


right: -100%;

width: 33%;

height: 100%;


--background: linear-gradient(45deg, #444 25%, #424242 25%, #424242 50%, #444 50%, #444 75%, #424242 75%, #424242);

background-size:10px 10px;

background: #FFF;


box-shadow: -3px 0 10px 1px #898989;

color: #333;



-webkit-animation: openDrawer .5s ease-in-out; /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */

animation: openDrawer .5s ease-in-out;


-webkit-animation-fill-mode: forwards;

animation-fill-mode: forwards;



-webkit-animation: closeDrawer .5s ease-in-out; /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */

animation: closeDrawer .5s ease-in-out;


-webkit-animation-fill-mode: forwards;

animation-fill-mode: forwards;






/* Chrome, Safari, Opera */

@-webkit-keyframes openDrawer {

from {right: -100%;}

to {right: 0;}



/* Standard syntax */

@keyframes openDrawer {

from {right: -100%;}

to {right: 0;}



/* Chrome, Safari, Opera */

@-webkit-keyframes closeDrawer {

from {right: 0;}

to {right: -100%;}



/* Standard syntax */

@keyframes closeDrawer {

from {right: 0;}

to {right: -100%;}





@media screen and (max-width: 630px) {


width: 100%;







let cont = $("#"+id).contents().wrap('').detach();






this.drawer.find("#"+id+"_close").on('click', function(that){

$("#"+id+" .container-drawer").toggleClass("open close")




open: function(){



close: function(){



toggle: function(){

this.drawer.toggleClass('open close');


setTitle: function(text){



cacheReferences: function(){

this.drawer = this.container.find('.container-drawer');

this.header = this.drawer.find('.drawer-header');

this.footer = this.drawer.find('.drawer-footer');

this.content = this.drawer.find('.drawer-content');





//actual usage

var test = new Drawer("#"+id);


$("#"+trigger).on('click', function(){



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