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For Map Chart, How to show one marker for each 10 mins of its DateTime constraint


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I think the main part is to calculate the marker.


From this answer you can get the date binned to the nearest 10 minutes



So [date_bin10] is calculated as:

Time(Hour([date]),Integer(Integer(Minute([date]) / 10) * 10),0,0)


Then you calculate the distance between the original [date] and the binned date [date_bin10]

[distance_to_bin] calculated as:



Then you calculate the marker when the distance is at its minimum for every value of the binned date.

Marked calculated as:

case when [distance_to_bin]=Min([distance_to_bin]) over ([date_bin10]) then String([date_bin10]) end


In the Map Chart you can then set the labels to Marked (since it wants an aggregation, you can use e.g. First(Marked))

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