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Log4j2 security: CVE-2021-44228

Peter Beentje

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We have received news about a security advisory for log4j2, a logging module present in Spotfire software:


In the Server documentation a license file shows that log4j2 version 2.14.1 is used for Spotfire Server 10.10.6 LTS, so this version at least is susceptible to this vulnerability. The recommended solution for this version of log4j is tosetsystem property "log4j2.formatMsgNoLookups" to true" when launching the log4j2 jar, i.e.:

java -Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true -jar xyz.jarWhere should this switch be added for Server 10.10.6


My server tools point tohttps://spotfi.re/admin-guide-10-10/, but the entire spotfi.re domain returns 403 forbidden for me.

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Please refer to to TIBCO Knowledge Base articleTIBCO Spotfire Mitigation for CVE-2021-44228 (Log4Shell)for Spotfire-specific instructions regarding how to handle this issue.

For general TIBCO information on this topic, please refer to TIBCO Knowledge Base articleApache Log4J Vulnerability and Impact to TIBCO Products and Services


Best Regards


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For anyone wanting to look up the log4j version for your specific TIBCO Spotfire Server version:

1. Go to the TIBCO Docs site, the TIBCO Spotfire Server section:


2. Select your version from the drop down.

3. In general, the document TIBCO Spotfire Server License Agreement will list the log4j version. If you don't find it, you may also find it in the document Release Notes Spotfire Server, which will list it if it has been updated in a service pack. In general though, for any specific questions you might have, please open a case in the TIBCO Support portal - https://support.tibco.com - and our support team will assist you.Thank you

Fredrik Rosell (TIBCO) 

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