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Empty value issue in Cross Table

David Law 2

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I have a cross table where one column shows the actual sales while another column shows the target, problem is when there's no data for certain months, Spotfire will display the entire row with a hyphen. Is there a way for me to still show the Target value even when the actual sales is empty (Actual and Target are from different data table)

(Please refer attached file for more details)



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Hello DL,

If you are on Spotfire version 7.7 and above, then you can configure what is displayed in the cross table for empty values via Tools> Options> Cross Table > Display cells with no data as: Blank or Custom text(you can provide your "Target" there).

Note: You need to re-start Analyst client for the changes to take effect.

Hope this helps!

Thank you

Tiru M

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I'm afraid my issue is not as simple as replacing the empty values with a text.


My cross table are generated from 2 separate data tables, one from the actual sales data, and the other from my targets. The target table has predefined values across all months for all products.


The cross table is supposed to show the actual and target value side by side, however, when a particular month has no actual sales, then the target when not be shown as well. Is there a way for me to still show the target value even when the actual sales value is empty

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