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cross table colors - cell color based on another column's value

Andrew Lewis 4

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I have a table with column[serial_number] corresponding tolist of equipment serial numbers. A 2ndcolumn [condition]hasvalue 1,2,3 for each serial numbers,which I successfully colorasGreen, Orange, Red.The problem is I do not want to show 1,2,3 in each cell,and I do _not_ want or need this column used in the table (just the color reference).

My question: Rather than show 1,2,3 in each cell, I want to show the serial_number in eachcell , but colorize with color from [condtion]. in other words, isthere a way to color a cell based on values from a different column


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I was going to tell you that this is not possible currently and that you should go file an enhancement in the Ideas portal, but I see you already have:




One note, I would suggest you check in the existing enhancement's first, since this has already been requested and so you should instead vote here:



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  • 4 months later...


There is Cell values custom expression formula that you can freely access whatever column you want but somehow Coloring formula does not allow you to access anything but[Axis.Color].

So what I did I usedCell values custom expression to incorporate +/- singn to my cell valuesthat is based on condition based onAVG([some other column]).

Than I set Colorol formula to show green forcell values >= 0 and read for cell values < 0.

The drawback is that I have negative numbers dispalyed but in reality they are positive (it was % values)

But if users are aware what itmeans it does not matter a lot.

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you can remove visible (-) sign from a Number by applying "custom formating" = "#.##;#.##"


If more than 2 colors are required you shoud convert number in the Cell into text and append some special character at the front or end  to distinguish what collor should be painted in the Cell background according to your collor formula that should look for those special markers. 

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  • 4 months later...
I do the same with the numeric values; i add decimals, for example 10.01 or 10.02 or 10.03 based on expression, then coloring on the right 2 numbers (01=red, 02=green, etc) . Format the table values as numeric while numbers and it works. Use it for years already, but stays a trick feeling. Im very, very disappointed to see 10.10 still not supporting this as i expected to. (thats why my reaction here now lol.. was searching for it again)
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