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Converting a SQL Query to Spotfire Query

Katie Sikorski

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I have a query I run in SQL I want to filter down some data in a table to a specific area. So if Prospect is equal to DELAWARE-NM OR DELAWARE-TX, or Like Delaware% See examples below: Thiswork in SQL but I can't seem to make either work in Spotfire, I can filter on them but is there a way to filter using a Case or If Statement in Spotfire

Equal to

SELECT Prospect


GROUP BY Prospect

HAVING (((Prospect)="DELAWARE-NM")) OR (((Prospect)="DELAWARE-TX"));


SELECT Prospect


GROUP BY Prospect

HAVING (((Prospect) Like "DELAWARE*"));

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What do you mean with "Spotfire Query"


Are you looking for a calculated column or expression to return TRUE/FALSE 


If yes, then you could work with Find() or RXExtract()


If(Find("your.string", [your.column]) > 0,TRUE,FALSE)

If(RXExtract([your.column],"your.pattern",1) IS NULL, FALSE, TRUE)


Please be aware of case sensitivity.


You could use such expression to limit your data by expression.

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