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Implementing Map Tool Tip into Text Area

Andre K

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Hello, I'm fairly new to spotfire and I was wondering if it would be possible to display a point on a mapchart's tooltip not on the actual map, but in an assosciated text area displayed next to the mapchart. Preferably, I would like to display the tooltip for a group of selections together in the assosciated text area. i.e. if In were to select 6 different points on the map, I would like all 6 points' tooltipsto be displayed as seperated tooltips in the text area.


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1. You can show the tooltip dinamically as a detailed visualisation.

If you mark a pint or more based on your marking you can get for instance in a table the desired information visible. Other visualization could be also used maybe with concatenate.

2. An other option is to use "details on demand" - you can select which columns you want to show and also the orientation vertical or horizontal.

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