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How to get the value from date range picker


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I want to modify the date range filter value by using date range picker in Text Area, so I try to get its content and set thefilter by adding action control to it. Is it possible to get the JavaScript variable directly

Thank you!

Date Range Picker :https://www.daterangepicker.com/

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My new thought is that store JavaScript variable in document property by using spotfire input field, then edit the date range filter value base on newly added document properties.


However, the document properties value won't change if I assign a javascript variable to the spotfire input field.

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Hi cklee75,

You can find some code snippets here (javascript as well as iton python) that let's you set the date ranges in datepickers as well as setting the min and max values of these dates:





Kind regards,

David Boot-Olazabal

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