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Filtering multiple tables from visualizations

Leonardo Yagelovic

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Hi all, been struggling to find the best way to filter my dashboard.

I have one main table with all details of my clients and a unique number for each one of them. Then 10 other tables with indicators that may apply or not to each client.

In my dashboard if i filter the main table, they return the correct visualization, but if a click in any visualization it doesnt exclude the non filtered. Did a file so it'll be easier to see what I meant.The main view of the dashboard, it shows all info.



Using the main filter from the main table, it excludes everything but what is filtered.



If I click in any element of the dashboard it highlights in other visualizations, but doesnt exclude data.


How could I do this


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What you are trying to do, is to use marking and then wanting to filter this out. Marking is basically higjhlighting the corresponding figures on other visualizations.

If you want a marking to filter, you can right click on the "Marked"value and select Marked rows--> Filter to. This will result in a filter throughout your visualizations. You can see it in the filter panel (at the bottom). If you want to delete this filter, just click on the x icon behind the "filtered to " line.

You can also use an iron python script to filter data based on marking:https://community.spotfire.com/wiki/how-perform-filter-marked-rows-tibco-sp....

Kind regards,

David Boot-Olazabal

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