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Parameterized information link - work with single value but can't pass values from a column


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Dear all


I have an information link that uses a stringparameter p_String to perform a substring matching search on 2 columns in my database.

It is supposed to retrieve all "LONG_NAME" containingp_String, as well as all"SUBSTANCE" ending withp_String.






"Table"."View" S1,




((S1."LONG_NAME" LIKE CONCAT('%', CONCAT(p_String, '%'))) OR (S1."SUBSTANCE" LIKE CONCAT('%', p_String)))


When I checked it passing a single string to the parameter, it worked just fine.

However, when trying to use it for "On Demand Loading" and pass the values of a column to this parameter, it breaks. I tried to set the parameter as single value or as array, but none works (with "single value" it complains that I try to pass several values, but with "array" it breaks).

What are the requirements to be able to pass values from a column to such a parameter Do I need to declare it as "array" Are there any obvious reason why I can't pass a column to this query

(I found only very little information on this setting for Information Links in my documentation, hence the question on this forum)

I'll be thankful for any hint.


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