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Sum data in one column depending on distinct other column

Hauke Verrept

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Hi All,

I am trying to sum one column for all distinct values in another column. This to avoid counting duplicates twice. I have been experimenting with different forms of sum(if() and Distinct sumI9if( etc but can't seem to get it to work. The lines are not 100% identical due to some contaminated data, so just removing all exactly equal lines only solves part of the problem.



Example of dataset




Datetimes of event





15/01/2020 0900





15/01/2020 0900





15/01/2020 1000





16/01/2020 1500















I would need to sum the timespans for unique datetimes of event. The correct solution in this case would be: 1:30+00:45+2:30 = 4:45

If i count the duplicate my result becomes 6:15



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Starting in Spotfire version 10.1, there is a "Filter Rows" transformation which allows you to remove any duplicates from the data table completely and only retain one row per defined group. This can be accomplished via:


Data > Transform data > Transformation: Filter Rows > Insert


The following expression can be used for it:

Rank(baserowid(),"asc",[Datetimes of event],[timespan])=1

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What is your expected output A calculated column or a calculated value Or are you working with a cross table


Most importanty, what makes your column unique How is your data contaminated Please show an example.


One approach could be to create a calculated columns that returns the "First Hit" for each unique row. Here, I use a boolean expression to get True/False:




And then you could sum if TRUE 


If([First Hit],Sum([Timespan]))


If you are working with a cross table you could simply filter out FALSE in the "First Hit" column


As suggested by shaggarw I would recommend to get your data clean before you continue with further analysis. The only thing you need to know: What makes your data row unique

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