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Automation Services not exporting PDF on server

Casy Horsley

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I am looking to automate an Export to PDF job monthly. I followed the YouTube video here:https://youtu.be/YL3LVyDPRT0and reviewed the user guide.

I have updated the Spotfire.Dxp.Automation.ClientJobSender.exe.config file to every possible combination of username and password, including leaving it blank. The job executes but the log shows authentication error related to the file path. I've made sure the path is able to be written to by the user that is both logged onto the server as well as logged onto Task Scheduler for the execution job and the same user is in the config file. The job is successful and outputs the PDF locally. I have attached the error from within the application when executing from the server.

What am I missing

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The user that was in the config file was 'sfadmin' which is the same user that most of us use for Admin login.  That user is not built in the active directory though so is not able to be granted access to paths, etc.  I have updated the user in the config file with the user that is also logged into the server, not the sfadmin user.  I also tested creating and editing a file in the path to make sure the access was correct. Is there somewhere else to update the user that the config file uses to output the file
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