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Trying to Upload image to Oracle Database using information link Spotfire

Afsarr rr

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What i am trying to do is

1. Reading image file fom local path using memory stream(able to do it)

2. Converting it to base64.encoding (able to do it)

3. Adding data table using information with string parameter(failed to execute query.)

I tried different encoding (System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString) and able to send to database but image file is not being read.Only junk values.

i created one oracle database function with one blob input parameter. When i am creating information link using this function it is automaticallyconverting blob to string parameter.i tried to edit datatype in information designer and set to unknown as blob is not showing there as option.When i am changing blob to varchar2 in database function then everything is running fine but then image is not being rendered correctly.

when i am running the information link, it is running fine independently and records are written in db. when opening sql , it is throwing error "Error Parsing parameters:Last unit does not have enough valid bits"

After reading the image file in python script, i am setting a string parameter after base64encoding, the error throws "Failed to execute query: numeric value error"

Anyone here tried to upload image to database from local this way

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