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Filter Transformation and Multiple values in Document Property, how can you parse through Document Property values

Max Fahey

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We are applying a filter transformation where we have a document property that has 1+ values demlimmited by commas. How can we tell the filter transformation to look at each values in the string list in the document property instead of it evaluating as a whole string

Ideally we would want the functionality to work like an 'in' function:

[id] in (DocumentProperty("IDs")) but that only works if there is 1 ID in document property.

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Assuming your filter transformation is a calculated column (it is useful to give some example and a view of the desired outcome).

Take a look at the $map function, for instance:


would put your IDs property into the form of a comma separated string. The external quotes are needed.

Then you can use the Find() function to check whether [id] is in that string:


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