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Hide/Show Scatter points based on a Grouped Rank Column

Jeremy Hensel

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What I am attempting to do is use the scatter plot Hide/Show feature to show only the last 'x' number of tests for a specific test type. For the currently applied filters on the page for the test type (eg, Page 1 has filtered out test types 1 and 3, leaving type 2).

The problem is, our tests are all cronological (eg. Test #1 = type 1, test #2 = Type 1, #3=t2, #4=t1, #5=t3.. etc.). Hence, I calculate a ranked column based on the test number and type as such: rank([Test], 'asc', [Test_Type]). This correctly gives the index for each test of a specific type.

However, in show/hide, the plot does not only find the ranks (indecies) of the currently filtered test type, but instead all indecies. Hence: Choosing 'Top', value = 10, results in only two data points for one specific test type (#1) as the total number of tests for two test types are 54(#1) and 60 (#2) for instance.


Any assitance is welcome. :)

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