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Can I show unique values in a column as a Drop down list in the text area and Pass corresponding values of different column as parameter input to a custom query in spotfire

Rajat Hada

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Can I show unique values in a column as a Drop down list in the text area and Pass corresponding values of different column as parameter input to a custom query in spotfire.


This question already been answered as Yes it is possible. Can you please post a example for the same

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Add a text area

Edit text area and insert property control (can choose a multiple list box for example if there will be multiple values)

Insert New property control and name it

In the set property value through drop down menu, select Unique values in a column" and choose the column you want to use

Save and close.


This document property can now be used in custom expressions and will be visible in the available properties. Without knowing what kind of expression you want to use, this is the most detail I can provide. Hope this helps!

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