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Is there any inbuilt function to export the unique data values from a particular column in spotfire

Sreeguru Devaki

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I have created a scatterplot from the data table i imported, then i have created 2 dervied columns (created the new columns by using the formula)


Now I want to export the data into excel sheet. Is it possible to export only certain unique values into the excel sheet.

I would like to use some condition to export like we use distinct in SQL to display only the unique values in the particular column.

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What you can do here is to add another calculated columns that tells you if a vlaue is unique in a certain column

So for example [isUnique] = Count([colA]) over [colA] will give you the occurence for each value in [colA]. Then simply filter to [isUnique] = 1.

Or you work with a boolean expression right away: IF(Count([colA]) over [colA] = 1, TRUE, FALSE)

You could also limit your data tabe or your visualization with this expression (no calculated column needed):Count([colA]) OVER [colA] = 1

If you want to do this several times then add a column property that takes a column selection. So, you can control your data with a drop down menu for example.

Edit: Sorry, myinitial answer was not correct. When you use Count() you will end up with all values that only have a single occurence. This is not what you wanted. But you can use the Rank() function instead.

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