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Count from another table column

Avinash Made

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I have two tables in Spotfire. Table A and Table X


In Table A, there are various columns --- one columns has the following sample values: Houston, Dallas, Austin, Newark, Dallas, Austin, Newark, Newark ......repeated various times


In Table X, there are various columns --- one column has the following sample values: Houston, Dallas, Austin, Newark, Orlando --- but they are unique values

Now in Table X, I want to create a new calculated column that will for for each value tell me how many times it occurs in Table A. For example, the result for Houston will be 1, Newark will be 3, Orlando will be 0

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You don't really need Table X in this case...

You can simply use a cross table with the column [CITY] on the left axis and the aggregation method Count([CITY]) on the buttom axis. The upper axis should be (None).

Or you workwith a calculated column to get the information to your table A:

[CITY COUNT] =Count([CITY]) over [CITY]

If you still want to have this information from table Ain table X you have to insert the column [CITY COUNT] to table X. Your identifier column will be [CITY] and merge method should be "left outer".

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