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dashboard not refreshing not until I reload data table.

Iredia Osadolor

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I am not sure why my query is not referreshing on spotfire dashboard,I would have to reload the data table before it updates. I am using version

Just to clearify my question.

I have a few queries that I've loaded from SQL servers to spotfire dahsboard. They all refresh except for one query. I can however refresh it manually by right-clicking the query and hitting reload data table. How come this specific query is not included in the refresh and what can I do toresolve it moving forward

Below is the sql query

SELECT DATEADD(wk, -1, DATEADD(DAY, 6-DATEPART(WEEKDAY, [****].[****].Timestamp), DATEDIFF(dd, 0, [****].[O****].Timestamp))) as 'FirstDayOfWeek'


,LEFT([****].[****r].FunctionalLocation, 9) as ****PadFloc

, [****].[****r].FunctionalLocation

, [****].[****].WellName

, datepart(wk, [****].[****].timestamp) as TimestampWeek

, datepart(yyyy, [****].[****].timestamp) as TimestampYear

, [****].[****].****Legacy

, [****].[****].Timestamp

, SUM(Variance) * -1 as 'Variance'

, [Where]

, Why

, (SUM(Variance) * -1) / AVG(a.TotalProduction) as 'PctLoss'

, [****].[****].FieldOperationsArea

, StatusActions

, PctTgt = Case [****].[****].****Legacy

WHEN 'Bakken' Then .035

WHEN 'Legacy' Then .115


FROM [****].[****]

LEFT JOIN [****].[****] ON [****].[O****].PraNumber = [****].[****].PraNumber

LEFT JOIN (SELECT SUM(Production) as TotalProduction



FROM [****].[****]

LEFT JOIN [****].[****] ON [****].[****].PraNumber = [odr_nd].[****].PraNumber

WHERE Production > 0

AND [****].[****].Timestamp >= dateadd(d,-360,getdate())

GROUP BY [****].[****].****Legacy

,Timestamp)a ON [****Timestamp = a.Timestamp and [****].[****].****Legacy = a.****Legacy

WHERE [Where] IN (

'Pumping Unit'


AND WHY not in (


,'3rd Party'



AND [****].[O****].Timestamp >= dateadd(d,-360,getdate())

AND [****].[O****r].Status = 'PD - Producing'

AND Variance < 0

AND UpDown = 'D'


GROUP BY [****].[O****].BakkenLegacy

, [****].[O****].timestamp

, [Where]

, Why

, [****].[****r].WellName

, LEFT([****].[O****].FunctionalLocation, 9)

, [****].[O****r].FieldOperationsArea

, StatusActions

, Planned

, [****].[O****].FunctionalLocation

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