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Multi language support in Spotfire Mods

Holger Schimanski

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I would like to add support for multiple languages. For example "Color by" is automatically translated to "Farben nach" in German.

What is the concept for multilanguage i18n support in Spotfire mods If I look at the mod-manifest.json I don't find options to provide i18n labels. Beside mod-manifest.json we likely will need i18n labels in our JavaScript code for the user interface.

And in all of that I would like to reuse existing phrases and translations used already in Spotfire like the example above of "Color by" to avoid, that I need to translate labels of user interface components in my Spotfire mod.

Any ideas

Best regards, Holger

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As inspiration how it is done elsewhere like in Atlassian Jira or Confluence addons https://developer.atlassian.com/server/framework/atlassian-sdk/internationalising-your-plugin/ or https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/internationalization-for-connect-apps/


You provide properties files where you have keys and the translated text for each language e.g. com.example.plugin.fruit.apple = Apple and com.example.plugin.fruit.apple = Apfel  in two different files.


In the manifest file you can reference and use these keys. Instead of label: "Apple" you would use label_key: "com.example.plugin.fruit.apple". 


And you need a way to get the label keys translated in HTML and JavaScript code via a JavaScript call.


Very useful would be, if a mod could reuse already existing translations from core Spotfire. Then the mod developer don't has to worry about how to translate common words and phrases like "Sort ascending" etc.

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