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(Case_ID:01915256)Connect to BigQuery successully, but getting data failed

Felix Huang 4

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We are testing that the dataset of BigQuery moves from the US to the Asia location, the performance will be improved. We can find the new dataset and its tables in "Views in Connection", even to verify is okay, but to preview data will happen error. We make sure the SQL is correct can run in BigQuery (refer to bigquery.jpg).

Detail logs refer to theattachedzip file, thanks.

The error message is below:


An error occurred when executing a query in the external data source.

External error:


Not found: Job att-bda:job_a4ccc217_25e8_4809_a7ce_d7f1e037316a [404]

Errors [

Message[Not found: Job att-bda:job_a4ccc217_25e8_4809_a7ce_d7f1e037316a] Location[ - ] Reason[notFound] Domain[global]




Submitted query:

SELECT `SpotfireCustomQuery6`.`logtime` AS `logtime`, `SpotfireCustomQuery6`.`filename` AS `filename`, `SpotfireCustomQuery6`.`machine_name` AS `machine_name`, `SpotfireCustomQuery6`.`process` AS `process`, `SpotfireCustomQuery6`.`message` AS `message`, `SpotfireCustomQuery6`.`recipe` AS `recipe`, `SpotfireCustomQuery6`.`Wafer_Sequence` AS `Wafer_Sequence`, `SpotfireCustomQuery6`.`Lot_No` AS `Lot_No`, `SpotfireCustomQuery6`.`device` AS `device`, `SpotfireCustomQuery6`.`shortname` AS `shortname`, `SpotfireCustomQuery6`.`starttime` AS `starttime`, `SpotfireCustomQuery6`.`value` AS `value` FROM (select logtime, filename, machine_name, process, message, recipe, Wafer_Sequence, Lot_No, device, shortname, starttime, value

from `att-bda.TEST.REPORT_MC_SLG_ERR`

where Lot_No'ENG/TEST'

and Lot_No is not null

and value is not null

and Wafer_Sequence is not null) AS `SpotfireCustomQuery6` LIMIT 100

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