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Show/Hide rule type on different relational table

Yer Her

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I have a problem and I'm hoping someone can help me with:


I have a cross table with data set to dataset1.

dataset1 and dataset2 are connected through a relation.

dataset 2 is a table maps part numbers to component part.

I have a partial string search that filters based on an input field from user.

Now the problem I have or the objective is to be able to use either part number and component part number and be able to return a filter of parts associated with user input like a keyword search to their respective table

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To filter on partial user input strings I usually use a calculated column [my.filter] that returns a boolean expression (TRUE/FALSE). So it coul look like this:


when find([user.input], [part number]) > 0 or find([user.input], [component part number]) > 0 then TRUE
else FALSE 


Then you can use this column (as it returns TRUE or FALSE) to filter your data with the limit data by expression option.


Please share some sample dataset if you need further support

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