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How to deploy the reports from one environment to another environment without breaking the tables mapping and tables join in Spotfire 7.X version

Padam Tripathi

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i would like to know the steps to deploy the reports from one environment to another environment without breaking the tables mapping and join etc. should i export the connection and deploy it then export the report and deploy the report. do we need to keep the connection name across all the enviornment.
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Hi there,

The way to do this would be to use the library import/export functionality. You can access this via your Library Administrator from the menu (I can't recall the menu title name in version 7 but its under Tools in Spotfire 10 menu, so may be the same).

You can export the connection and the Spotfire report etc. Each library item has an assigned unique id which is how Spotfire tracks what your Spotfire report needs to function. So even if you rename a connection, it will keep the same underlying id.

Then import your data connection into the library in your new environment (again via the Library Administrator), and then the report. I would work from the ground up, and import connections, information links etc. first then finally the report (as you suggest).

If you report (or anything else you import) has any dependencies on items which you have not imported into the new environment, you will get a warning displaying the item ids that are missing. You can then search for these items in your other environment via the Library Administrator again. If you put into the search box:


This will find the missing item which you can then export and import into your new environment. Once you have all the dependencies for your report imported, the report should open successfully.

Note that locations in the library also do not matter i.e. you can place your report and connection in different folders than the original environment as again, everything is based upon the items id (and not the name or location).

Hope this helps.



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