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Display values in the Listbox (MultiSelect) UI in Text Area are different from the values that can be seen in the Property Control window. How to update the UI with the values from Property Control Window

Sasidhar Kandukuri

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I created a Drop-Down list document property in text area with unique values from a column (say ColumnA) in data table. I also created a ListBox filter Multi Select in the same text area, and based on the value selected from drop-down, values from another column (say ColumnB) in the same data table are added as values to the Listbox Document property. I did all this with Ironpython Script. However the values that are displayed in the text area UI for listbox are still showing from "Set property value through ColumnSelection", but not the values i added through script. When i right click the list box and edit control, i see the values i needed under "Value" column in the property control window. Please tell me how i can see the same Values in UI. i need to do this with script. Thanks for help
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