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Deleting Added Columns via IronPython

Rick Phelan 2

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I have created added columns via IronPython and it works well. When I try to delete the columns via IronPython it seems to work, but when I look at the data canvas it still shows the added columns and one has to manually delete them. Is there a way to delete the added column object in data canvas in IronPython Below is the code I am using to delete the columns by name. I will attach a screen shot showing the added columns in data canvas even though they do not exist in the table anymore.


"from Spotfire.Dxp.Data import *

from System.Collections.Generic import List

dt = Document.Data.Tables["Sheet"]

columnsToDelete = List[DataColumn]()

for column in dt.Columns:

if column.Name == 'Cum_Prod':


if columnsToDelete.Count != 0:


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