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details view that requires more rows than marked

Gary Sharman

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I am new to Spotfire, and have a problem I am trying to solve. I searched help and fora, but dind't find exactly the situation I have.

I have a table like this:

name mixname result

a 1 TP

b 1 FP

c 2 TP

b 2 TP

I have set up a view that shows a bar chart of the count of a result of 'FP' by 'name'. I have a details view that shows a bar chart of the count of results of each 'result' type that just shows the selected name. That works fine.

What I would like to be able to do is to show the other names that correspond to the 'mixnames' that the selected 'name' is in. So for example, if I selected 'b' above, it would show me a bar chart showing the count for each name that shares a mixname with any rows where name='b' and result= 'FP' ('a' in this case.)

I looked at over, parent... maybe something like this could do it

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