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Case Statement Question

Katie Sikorski

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Is it possible to do a combination chart based off of a Information Link that has a column in it called ARLPwhich is set to YES or IS NULL. What I am wantingis one line Based on if ARLP = Yes that makes Operatorset to ARLP if ARLP IS NULL then make Operator set as Basin see the example chart I have provided from Excel.

I tried a custom expression but I only get one to show up and I need both lines to show up. So would a case statement be better I am attaching an example below. Hopefully this makes since. Something similar to the one below but not sure of the logic I need.

CASE [ARLP] when "YES" then "ARLP"

when [ARLP] when "IS NULL" then "BASIN

else "Other" end

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As you have closed your prevoius question let me answer here.

I suggest that you create an addtional column with your case statement. Let's call it [Type]. The correct logic you are looking for is:


when [ARLP] ="YES" then "ARLP"

when [ARLP] is null then "BASIN"

else "OTHER"

endThen create a simple line chart and use the option Color by[Type] to split it into different catefories.

(You could also write this case statement right into the color by option as an expression. But this would not be a best practise for me...)

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