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Exporting CSV issue

Grant Mitchell

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Hi. Any help would be very gratefully received!

We are trying to export a visual as a CSV, and running into various issues.


We need to use the pipe "|" symbol as the delimiter - but when we export, we can only save using the comma or semi-colon CSV types with no choice over the symbol. Is it possible to make that change somewhere


Because we cannot seem to export using the "|" we came up with an alternative solution - with its own issues. We created a single field which is a concatenation of the various fields required with the "|" contained within the string.

Example: Concatenate([Field 1],"|",[Field 2],"|",[Field 3])

These various individual fields contain some comma ( , ) and quotation ( " ) symbols within them, which is affecting the exported CSV by causing additional quotation ( " ) symbols to appear at the start and end of the line items containing the original comma or quotation - and another set of quotation marks appearing around the underlying quotation marks in the data. This results in the system receiving the CSV file rejecting the import.


I hope this makes sense! Does anybody have any thoughts on this please


Thank you,


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Can you use IronPython scripting If yes, you can export it to csv programatically through an IronPython script. Follow the script in this articleand change the ','in line 29 to '|'.

So, instead of

str1 = ','.join(str(e) for e in line)

it should be

str1 = '|'.join(str(e) for e in line)


I tried this script and it gave me a csv with pipe delimiter. You also might have to change the path in line 12 to a path that exists.




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