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Subtracting Time from Next Row

Ashley Neese

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So I am sure it has already been answered, but I need to Subtract aparticular column from thenext row from a different column from the current row.I feel like I have tried everything I can think of.

DateDiff([Plugged Date and Time],[Plug Date and Time] over NextPeriod([Line No.])

In the image attached, I am trying to subtract the RED value from the PURPLE value all the way down. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Please also check out 'Previous' and 'LastPeriod' function in the help menu.

Since your Line No is unique it doesn't really matter what you use for aggregation (first, min, max...). And I think the aggregation is what you missed.

In the following example I used:

DateDiff("hour",[Plug],First([Plugged]) OVER (Previous([Line No])))

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