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Multiple Runs Rules Violations in SPC Charts Node Spotfire® Data Science - Workbench 1.0.0

1 Screenshot


This component is an extension of the "SPC Charts with Alarming" node for Spotfire® Data Science - Workbench (also known as Statistica). Node has additional advanced options for showcasing and reporting situations when multiple runs rules are violated.


This component is an extension of SPC functionality node (which can be used within your data analysis workflow (workspace).

Compared to out of the box functionality, this node includes the two additional options to create multiple runs test violation plots and generate runs test IDs on the alarms spreadsheet results.


  • The "Show the runs violations using separate plot markers" option, when unchecked generates the default Runs Test ID plots instead of showing multiple runs test violation plot markers.
  • The second option adds/removes the runs test IDs to the Alarm Type column of the Alarm Results downstream spreadsheet.

How to import a custom node can be found here

Initial Release (version 1.0.0)

Published: January 2021

Initial release

- Including workspace example together with node codes (dmi and svx)

- License file

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