This article describes how to write back to an SQLite database using Spotfire.
Create an SQLite database file already created and stored in the location "C:\Temptestdb.db" with a table that has the following columns:
- date
- oil
- water
- wellno
Spotfire and Python Scripting
We will design an interface to DELETE, INITIALIZE and ADD data to database as the following:
- Add a text area with a dropdown list of three values (Add, Delete, Initialize) these three values are tied to document property name what)
Preparing the ADD section
We need to add 4 input fields, feel free to style them the way you want. I use this website to do so. These four fields are document properties as:
- date
- oil
- water
- wellno
Preparing the DELETE section
Add another text area with one input field, which is tied to document property id
Adding a preview section
You can also add a preview to your database to make sure everything is working correctly.
Python Scripting
Create a Python Script Function and paste the following code:
import pandas as pd import sqlite3 con = sqlite3.connect(r'C:\Temptestdb.db') cur = con.cursor() df=pd.DataFrame() reading = "SELECT rowid,* FROM daily_production" if flag == 'INITIALIZE': cur.execute(reading) df = pd.DataFrame(cur.fetchall(), columns = ['ID', 'Date','Oil', 'Water', 'Well No']) con.close() if flag == 'DELETE': delete_query = "DELETE FROM daily_production WHERE rowid ="+str(id) cur.execute(delete_query) con.commit() df=pd.DataFrame() reading = "SELECT rowid,* FROM daily_production" cur.execute(reading) df = pd.DataFrame(cur.fetchall(), columns = ['ID', 'Date','Oil', 'Water', 'Well No']) con.close() if flag == 'ADD': date = "'"+date+"'" oil= "'"+str(oil)+"'" water= "'"+str(water)+"'" wellno= "'"+wellno+"'" insert_query = "INSERT INTO daily_production VALUES ("+date+","+oil+","+water+","+wellno+")" cur.execute(insert_query) con.commit() df=pd.DataFrame() reading = "SELECT rowid,* FROM daily_production" cur.execute(reading) df = pd.DataFrame(cur.fetchall(), columns = ['ID', 'Date','Oil', 'Water', 'Well No'])
2. Set up your Input parameters as below:
3. Set up your output parameters as below:
4. Map your input parameters to your actual inputs as below:
5. Map your output values as below:
6. Now let's test!
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