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  • What versions of Spotfire® Enterprise Runtime for R (TERR) are available?

    Check which version of Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R (TERR) is included with the version of your Spotfire installation.

    You can easily check which version of Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R (TERR) is included with the version of your Spotfire installation.

    From the Spotfire menu, click Tools > TERR Tools, and then read the path to the local TERR engine that is shown.  

    If you are curious about the Spotfire versions of TERR beyond your particular Spotfire installation, check the following handy short chart, and review the detailed information provided in the following table.           


    Because we are always working toward improving TERR and TERR compatibility with open-source R, we encourage you to update your installation to newer versions if possible. See What's New in TERR for information on each version. 

    Note: Not all releases are listed. See the Spotfire® Enterprise Runtime for R documentation for each release on docs.tibco.com for more details. If you are interested in earlier versions, contact Spotfire Support.


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