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  • What's New in Spotfire 14.0 LTS

    Spotfire 14.0 is a new Long term Support release and provides new features for sharing KPIs and Tables, integrating with data sources using OAuth2/OIDC, making it easier to use open source R and deploying Spotfire on Ubuntu, Red Hat and Debian.

    Share insights in enhanced KPI charts and with nicely formatted exports to Excel, and deploy your Spotfire system on cloud or on-premises with Red Hat, Ubuntu or Debian Linux distributions. Leverage the R universe of data science algorithms and better integration with data sources using OAuth2/OIDC authentication and authorization. More than 80 new features have been added since the last Long Term Support release, Spotfire 12.0 LTS.

    To return to the What's New in Spotfire page for all releases click here.

    Visual Analytics

    Scalable and formatted KPI charts

    Dynamically scaling KPI charts makes it easier to share analyses that will be consumed by users using different types of screens. Use fine-grained settings to control the appearance of KPI charts such as the font size and the number of KPIs per row. These settings help report developers seeking to convey essential metrics and performance indicators effectively, in a clear and concise way, for users on any device and screen.


    Share formatted table visualizations as Excel spreadsheets

    Share insights, results, and data in pretty formatted spreadsheets with Spotfire?s ?What You See Is What You Get? Excel export. Tables, cross tables, summary tables, and graphical tables are exported WYSIWYG, preserving layout, styling, and formatting. No more manual formatting to make the spreadsheet look like the table in Spotfire, export and easily share with your colleagues, and you?re done.


    Find your favorite analysis faster

    Favorites makes it dead easy to find your most commonly used analysis, data source or any library asset you want. Just add them as favorite assets when browsing the library, and then easily find them in the favorites section when starting Spotfire, or when adding additional assets to your analysis.

    Favorites was originally launched in Spotfire 12.5.


    Easier and smoother data wrangling

    Wrangle your data using the popular Data canvas, which is now even better. The new sidebar provides a better overview of all the data tables and data functions in your analysis, configure key columns, data properties, and reload data directly from the Data canvas. Add column descriptions, geocoding settings, copy column formatting, and sort orders from the Data in the analysis flyout.


    Data Access

    Connectivity single sign-on

    Enjoy smoother authentication in Information Services data sources when connecting to data using OAuth2 and OpenID Connect refresh tokens that can be reused across sessions, and support for different identity providers for Spotfire and the data source. Less prompting and interruption make it easier to focus on the analytics task at hand by avoiding repetitive logins.

    These improvements were releases in Spotfire 12.5.


    Google Analytics 4 (GA4)

    Spotfire now supports accessing data from Google Analytics 4 (GA4).

    Google Analytics 4 is the current generation of Google Analytics. Google is retiring the previous generation, Universal Analytics, which Spotfire already supports. From this version of Spotfire, to access your legacy Universal Analytics data, select Connect to > Google Analytics (Universal Analytics).

    Databricks Unity Catalog

    The Spotfire connector for Databricks now supports accessing data from Databricks Unity Catalog.

    Data Science

    Bring your own R environment

    Power your visualizations with seamlessly integrated data science built using the vast universe of open-source R packages for data science available for mathematics, statistics, and industry-specific applications.

    The Spotfire Service for R enables you to bring your own R environment to Spotfire. With open-source R, users can leverage R packages and libraries developed for your own flavor of R, unlocking a wider range of statistical and data analysis techniques with more options and flexibility to address diverse analytical and data science tasks.


    BYOA - Bring your own Python

    Often developers require to use a specific Python version and Python modules versions.

    You can now deploy and use your preferred Python distribution with the Spotfire Service for Python.

    BYOA "Bring Your Own Application" allows users to choose their applications, instead of the preselected by the employer or the predefined by the software suite.

    Note: To use an alternative Python distribution, install the Python packages and set the environment variable SPOTFIRE_PYTHON_HOME to point to that installation. If the environment variable SPOTFIRE_PYTHON_HOME is not specified, then Python service will use the bundled version of Python.

    Note: For consistency, the deployed Python version must be the same for all the Spotfire Service for Python instances within the same Spotfire deployment area.

    Note: Python 3.7 or higher is required.


    Configure version history per analysis

    An analyst can enable or disable the version history setting per analysis in the library from within the Spotfire Analyst client.

    You can modify this setting for the current opened analysis within the Library section options in the Document Properties dialog. You need write permissions on the analysis for changing this setting.

    A system administrator can configure if the version history is enabled or disabled on every item by default. If enabled, end users can opt out of saving versions for the analysis file they work on, if disabled by default, the end user can instead opt in to save versions of the analysis they are working on.

    Note: For more information, see the Switching off library versioning in the Spotfire® Server and Environment - Installation and Administration manual.

    SCIM API includes sub-attribute type

    RFC7643 defines a sub-attribute of the groups attribute called type with the defined values direct and indirect.

    The groups attribute of the SCIM (System for Cross-domain Identity Management) user schema now includes the type sub-attribute.

    When using the SCIM API with the type sub-attribute, it is possible to determine which groups a user or group is a direct member of.

    SCIM API supports pagination

    The Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) API now supports pagination.

    Improved graceful shutdown behavior for Spotfire Server instances

    You can now perform a rolling restart (e.g. one at a time) of Spotfire Server instances when a graceful shutdown is initiated. 

    A graceful shutdown is initiated:

    • when it is explicitly called (e.g. with graceful-shutdown.sh)
    • when configuration changes are detected (disabled by default). To enable this setting, set lifecycle.changes-monitoring.draining.rolling.enabled to true.

    Note: To configure how long a Spotfire Server instance should wait for another instance, set lifecycle.changes-monitoring.draining.rolling.maxwait-seconds. The default is  lifecycle.changes-monitoring.draining.timeout-seconds (default 120 seconds).

    Note: For larger clusters, it might be beneficial to restart more than one instance at a time. If so, set lifecycle.changes-monitoring.draining.rolling.max-unavailable to the desired value. The default is 1.

    Note: For more information, see Graceful shutdown configuration settings, in the Spotfire documentation.

    Better Scheduled Updates load distribution

    Scheduled updates (SU) now assign destinations when this is claimed from the queue for initial loading of analysis files. In previous Spotfire versions, the destination for a job was assigned at enqueue time. Updates are handled as before.

    In addition to this change, when there are many instances with available slots, each instance takes one item until all available slots are filled, or until the queue is empty. This change affects both Automation Services and Scheduled Updates job handling.

    This provides a much better load distribution for cases with either uneven load duration or when some instance is restarted, since the routing decision to an instance is decided only if there is an available scheduled updates slot.


    Note: Depending on of the number of SU started around the same time, the difference in load time for each SU, and the number of Spotfire Web Player instances available, you might need to change the configured concurrentUpdates value in the Spotfire Web Player service configuration.

    Note: To revert to the previous behavior, set the configuration option scheduled-updates.compatibility.assign-destination-before-queuing to true. For more information, see the Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Web.config file documentation.

    New command to list the number of named users per named user license that Spotfire has been assigned to

    The new server Command Line Interface command show-named-users-licenses provides a summary of how many user that have been assigned Spotfire named users licenses, such as Spotfire Analyst, Spotfire Business Author and Spotfire Consumer.

    This makes it easy for system administrators to ensure they are deploying the Spotfire licenses to the correct number of named users for each product license.

    Example usage:

    $ config show-named-user-licenses
    License                     Users
    --------------------------  -----
    Spotfire Analyst            1
    Spotfire Business Author    3
    Spotfire Consumer           2
    Spotfire Network Analytics  0
    To extract detailed information about licenses and users, see cli command 'show-licenses'

    The above example shows the output of the show-named-users-licenses command, and in this case means that the admin of the system have assigned 1 Spotfire Analyst named user, 3 Spotfire Business Author named users, and 2 Spotfire Consumer named users.

    For more details about Spotfire Product Licensing please see: https://docs.tibco.com/pub/spotfire_server/latest/doc/html/TIB_sfire_server_tsas_admin_help/server/topics/spotfire_product_licenses.html

    System requirements and capabilities

    Eclipse Temurin is the embedded JDK

    The Spotfire installation packages now include the Eclipse Temurin OpenJDK instead of the Oracle Java Development Kit used in previous versions.

    Note: Eclipse Temurin is the name of the OpenJDK distribution from Adoptium. The Eclipse Adoptium Working Group is the successor of AdoptOpenJDK. The primary goal of Adoptium is to promote and support free and open-source high-quality runtimes and associated technology for use across the Java ecosystem.

    Debian 12 is now supported for the Spotfire platform

    Debian 12 is now supported as the operating system for all Spotfire services.
    Note: Debian 12 "bookworm" was released on 2023-06-10. Debian releases typically have 5 years support.

    PostgreSQL 15 supported as the Spotfire DB

    Spotfire now supports PostgreSQL version 15 as the Spotfire Server DB.

    PostgreSQL version 15 is the latest stable version. PostgreSQL version 15 is the latest version supported by the major Cloud providers.

    SQL Server 2022 supported as the Spotfire DB

    Spotfire now supports SQL Server 2022 as the Spotfire Server DB.

    Microsoft SQL Server 2022 is the latest stable version. Microsoft SQL Server 2022 is the latest version supported by the major Cloud providers.

    APIs / SDK

    Library REST API for Library asset management

    The new Library REST API (v2) allows an external application to manage library assets.

    The Library REST API supports the following operations:

    • list items
    • show item details
    • download item
    • upload item
    • delete item
    • search items using library search expressions

    The Library REST API supports also version history operations.

    The Library REST API simplifies promotion and migration operations between Spotfire environments and facilitates automation with CI/CD pipelines.

    Note: For easy documentation reference, you can browse the API documentation with the Swagger UI: https://acme/spotfire/api/swagger-ui.html?urls.primaryName=library-v2.

    Note: For easy development of stubs in any language, you can download the OAS (Open API Specification) from: https://acme/spotfire/api/v2/api-docs?group=library-v2 .

    Distribution file bundle

    It is now possible to, in addition to package files (.spk), also bundle distribution files (.sdn) into a distribution file. This allows for easier distribution of multiple products as one distributable unit and at the same time maintaining the products separately.

    New APIs to customize the KPI chart

    Additions to the KPI chart API give developers more control over the KPI chart's visual layout and formatting.

    The following properties have been added to the KpiChart class:

    • MinVisibleTiles - The minimum number of visible tiles in the KPI chart. 
    • MinTilesPerRow - The number of tiles to show per row. 
    • NewRowPerKpi - When enabled, the tiles for each KPI start on their own row.
    • ShowTitlesForKpis - Displays the KpiVisualization Title above each KPI.
    • AdditionalSpacingBetweenKpis - Adds additional spacing between KPIs.
    • BaseFontMetadata - Allows overriding the base font used in the KPI chart.
    • PreferredRelativeTileWidth - Sets the minimum tile width.

    And more...

    Since the last Spotfire LTS, Spotfire 12.0, more than 80 new features for Analysts, Consumers, and Administrators have been implemented. See the full list below.

    Visual Analytics

    • Library favorites
    • Tags for web authors
    • Format dates using ISO weeks and years standard
    • Export data to the library for web authors
    • Export data to file for web authors
    • Data in analysis flyout from data canvas
    • Column from marked for web authors
    • Manage Markings with a new Markings panel 
    • Export formatted tables, cross tables, graphical tables, and summary tables to Excel 
    • Scalable and flexible KPI chart layout and formatting 
    • Context menus for filters in text areas 

    Data Wrangling

    • Skip automatic column matches
    • Insert hierarchy for web authors
    • Configure key columns from the data canvas
    • View column & data table properties in the data canvas 
    • Data table settings from data canvas 
    • Reload all or linked data sources from the data canvas
    • Copy column formatting from data in analysis flyout 
    • Copy sort order settings from data in analysis flyout 
    • Geocoding settings from data in analysis flyout
    • Data canvas sidebar
    • Column description from data in analysis flyout
    • Data tables & columns properties overview in data canvas 
    • Manage columns and data table properties from the data canvas 
    • "Reload for each user" setting in the data canvas

    Data Science

    • New look for data functions
    • Automation Services Task to run Data functions
    • Faster Python execution 
    • Spotfire Service for R


    • Configurable labels and descriptions in action input prompts
    • Optional parameters for Actions
    • User Action logging for Actions
    • Easier to use external actions through type support
    • Conditional Actions

    Data Connectivity

    • Analyze data in Amazon Redshift Serverless
    • TDV connector OAuth support  
    • Improved logging in Information Services
    • JDBC data source template validation
    • Initiate OAuth2 flow from Information Services 
    • Prompt for data source username and password in Information Designer 
    • OpenID Connect /OAuth2 refresh token persistence and token management
    • Work with stored data connections in the TIBCO Cloud Spotfire web client 
    • Connector for TIBCO Data Virtualization supports BOOLEAN 
    • Analyze data in Google Analytics GA4
    • Analyze data in Databricks Unity Catalog
    • Configure fetch size option in connections to Oracle


    • Automation Task to Run Data Function
    • Users page: split view to manage user details
    • Groups page: split view to manage group details
    • New argument for config-encryption
    • Information Services runs in its own subprocess on the TIBCO Spotfire Server
    • Improved robustness by creating new data source connections on separate threads
    • Data source included in Information Services log file
    • Support for cobranding packages in zip format
    • Improved library search for users
    • New library item search options for version history
    • Updated command for deleting library versions
    • New command to remove a member from a group
    • New cli command to delete Web Player state
    • Configure use of OpenID Connect token hints using the command line
    • Configure minimum- and maximum-length password
    • Change Web Player logging level within web UI
    • Use login_hint in OIDC authentication requests
    • Set required scopes for identity providers in data source template
    • Add Search expressions in the Spotfire Library URL
    • Increased security of Spotfire services communication 
    • Distributed Spotfire services communication
    • Ignite cache replicationFaster detection of client connection failures
    • Configurable timeout for Ignite cache operations
    • Improved memory management for Spotfire Web Player
    • REST API for managing, uploading and downloading library items
    • Configure version history per analysis from the Spotfire Analyst UI
    • BYOA - Bring your own Python
    • SCIM user schema updated
    • SCIM API updated
    • Improved graceful shutdown behavior for Spotfire Server instances
    • Better Scheduled Updates load distribution
    • New CLI command to see the number of assigned named users for Spotfire Analyst, Business Author and Consumer

    System requirements

    • Support for Ubuntu for all Spotfire services
    • Support for RHEL for all Spotfire services
    • Debian 12 is now supported for all Spotfire services
    • Eclipse Temurin is the embedded JDK
    • PostgreSQL 15 supported as the Spotfire DB
    • SQL Server 2022 supported as the Spotfire DB

    Developer API and SDK

    • Distribution file bundle

    Upgrading to Spotfire 14

    Thinking about upgrading to Spotfire 14? Check these helpful notes.

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