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  • Upgrading to Spotfire® 14.0 LTS

    This article provides an overview of what Administrators need to know and plan for when upgrading to Spotfire 14.0 LTS. Before starting your upgrade process please refer to the official product documentation.
    This document (including, without limitation, any product roadmap or statement of direction data) illustrates the planned testing, release and availability dates for Spotfire products and services. It is for informational purposes only and its contents are subject to change without any notice.

    We are glad that you are interested in upgrading to Spotfire 14.0 LTS. Look forward to more powerful data wrangling, leveraging the R universe of data science algorithms and working more easily with data sources using OAuth2/OIDC authentication and authorization. Share insights in enhanced KPI charts and with nicely formatted exports to Excel, and deploy your Spotfire system on cloud or on premises with Red Hat, Ubuntu or Debian Linux distributions. See What's coming in Spotfire for a full list of new capabilities.

    In this article we have collected some pre-information about what administrators may need to consider when planning your upgrade to Spotfire 14.0 LTS before it is released. When you are starting the actual upgrade please refer to the product documentation, starting with the release notes.

    The most important changes in Spotfire 14.0 LTS are:

    1. Spotfire branding. Since the product is now branded Spotfire rather than TIBCO Spotfire, default installation path and service names are changed.
    2. TSSS Server removed. The legacy TIBCO Spotfire Statistics Services server is no longer provided. Instead use the Spotfire Services for TERR, Python and open source R.
    3. The TIBCO-branded versions of Progress DataDirect JDBC drivers are removed and no longer supported in this version of Spotfire.
    4. TIBCO ODBC drivers for Apache Spark SQL, Apache Cassandra and MongoDB have been removed.
    5. Eclipse Temurin OpenJDK replaces Oracle Java as the embedded JDK distribution.

    Read further for more details.

    Major changes per version since Spotfire 11.4 LTS

    This section highlights the major system requirements changes and other system changes that are relevant for the administrators that are considering to upgrade from an earlier version of Spotfire to Spotfire 14.0 LTS.

    System requirements changes




    Microsoft .NET Framework needs to be upgraded to version 4.8 where Spotfire Analyst, Web Player, or Automation Services are running


    Dropped support for Microsoft Windows 7 and 8 for Spotfire Analyst.


    Oracle 12c (release 1 and 2) is no longer supported as the Spotfire database.


    Oracle 18c is no longer supported as the Spotfire database.


    Microsoft Windows 8.1 is no longer a supported operating system for Spotfire Analyst.


    PostgreSQL 11 is no longer supported as the Spotfire database.


    Microsoft Windows Server 2012 and Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 are no longer supported operating systems.


    CentOS 8 is no longer a supported operating system


    It is no longer supported to run Spotfire on 32-bit operating systems.


    Debian 10 is no longer a supported operating system


    Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7 is no longer a supported operating system.

    Significant platform changes

    This table lists changes of the Spotfire platform that may be important for customers that are upgrading to Spotfire 14.0 LTS.




    jQuery/jQueryUI are removed and have to be added if used

    For more information, see .


    The AngularJS-based API for custom login pages has been removed
    A new API with the same capabilities is now provided as part of the Cobranding feature. The API is written in vanilla JavaScript, not in AngularJS.

    This means that using the new API does not require knowledge about a specific front-end framework and it is not subject to framework-breaking changes.


    Spotfire database cannot be used as default join database for Information Services
    The functionality to use the Spotfire database to join data sources in Information Services (default join database) has been removed. For more information, see on the Community.


    Large schema changes in the Spotfire Database to enable versioning and compression
    With the new feature library version history, the Spotfire library size might increase very fast for storing multiple versions, and also during background compression of existing content.

    Each version is a complete copy of the item, not an incremental one. Depending on your Spotfire usage, the Spotfire storage (the Spotfire database or object storage) utilization might increase very fast (for example, if you have many users who frequently save their analyses with embedded data, or if you have frequently running Automation Services jobs). For such situations, automated pruning using the delete-library-versions command is strongly recommended.


    Java 17.0 Drivers, custom extensions etc needs to be verified to work with JDK 17


    There are now two different distribution files available, one for Windows and one for Linux
    These files can be deployed to the same deployment area, or to separate areas.

    For the language packs, each language now has two different distribution files: one contains the complete set of language resources that cover both Windows and Linux, and one contains only the resources that are needed for a Web Player on Linux.


    The file system paths in the some Automation Services tasks can no longer use relative paths
    Applies to Export Data to File, Export Image, Export Report to PDF, Export to PDF, Send Email


    Information Services runs in its own sub-process on the Spotfire Server
    Information Services, used for accessing data with JDBC, now runs in its own subprocess on the same computer as the Spotfire Server. The purpose of this change is to enhance stability and enable isolation of the Spotfire Server and Information Services in different JVMs.

    Be aware of the following technical changes:

    • The location for the log files has changed to logs/informationservices.
    • In new installations, JDBC drivers for Information Services should be placed in the directory custom-ext-informationservices.
    • A new configuration command config-information-services-process is available. 
    • The JMX monitoring workflow for information services has changed. 
    • The default information services communication port is 9444. 


    Changes to included data source templates for Information Services
    In new installations of Spotfire Server, the included data source templates for Information Services have changed in two ways:

    1. The PostgreSQL data source template is now enabled by default
    2. The following data source templates are no longer included: 
    • DB2
    • DB2 TYPE4
    • MySQL, MySQL5
    • Oracle
    • Netezza
    • SQL Server 2000, SQL Server (JTDS)
    • Sybase, Sybase (JTDS)

    Note: If you are upgrading from an earlier version of Spotfire, no changes are made to the templates in your installation.


    Removed support for pre-5.5 DXP file formats
    Spotfire analysis files older than version 5.5 can no longer be opened.


    Updated Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server
    Due to changed default behavior for encryption settings, you might have to make modifications if you are not using an encrypted JDBC connection to Microsoft SQL Server. 

    For more information, see .


    Removed TIBCO ODBC drivers for Apache Spark SQL, Apache Cassandra, and MongoDB
    The TIBCO Drivers package, which includes ODBC drivers for Apache Spark SQL, Apache Cassandra, and MongoDB, is removed. The drivers are no longer included with Spotfire. If you were using any of these drivers to access data in Spotfire, you can no longer use those drivers with this version of Spotfire, and you will need to obtain your own drivers to access data in Spotfire. 

    Migrate to a different driver using the following steps. 

    Apache Spark SQL 

    To access data with the connector for Apache Spark SQL, install one of the other supported drivers. See the system requirements. 


    To access data from MongoDB in Spotfire, use the connector for MySQL with the ODBC driver for MongoDB Connector for BI. See the system requirements. 

    Apache Cassandra 

    To access data from Apache Cassandra, you must use a different driver with the Load data from ODBC, OLE DB, or ADO.NET data provider functionality.


    Content Security Policy response header set by default
    A Content Security Policy response is set on all responses except for the Web Player service. This additional extra security layer might affect custom functionality deployed through cobranding packages or similar.

    Any violations to the policy will be logged to the new log file csp-violations.log. Review this log and adjust the policy if needed.


    Triggers in the database: Changes required on upgrade with Oracle as the Spotfire database
    The new functionality Save items as favorites in the library uses triggers in the database to store favorites. Previously, the privilege to use triggers was not granted by the

    installation script for the Spotfire database. Therefore, if you use Oracle as the Spotfire database, the Spotfire Database user must get another grant before the upgrade.

    For more information, see


    The product is now branded Spotfire, not TIBCO Spotfire
    Installation path and service names are changed.


    Removed TIBCO-branded versions of Progress DataDirect JDBC drivers
    The TIBCO-branded versions of Progress DataDirect JDBC drivers, which previously came pre-installed with Spotfire Server, are removed, and not supported in this version of Spotfire. The corresponding data source templates for the drivers are also removed. 

    For more information, see


    The TIBCO Spotfire® Statistics Services server is discontinued
    The TIBCO Spotfire Statistics Services server is discontinued and will no longer be updated. TERR, R, and Python services now provide the functionality. 

    For more information, see the .


    Updated from Java EE to Jakarta EE 9+
    Spotfire Server is now updated to use a newer generation of third party components that have adapted to the new namespaces defined in the Jakarta EE 9 project. The old namespaces have been deprecated since Spotfire 10.10.11, 11.4.6, and 11.8.0. 

    If you have custom code deployed on the Spotfire server, some code might need to be altered and rebuilt.

    The main difference is that some, but not all, imports of javax. must be changed to jakarta. For example, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest must be changed to jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest. A list of components with changed namespace can be found here: https://wiki.eclipse. org/Jakarta_EE_Maven_Coordinates 

    It is possible that a third party component that you use, for example a JDBC-driver, is still using the older namespace. In many cases, components handle this dependency by creating a shaded jar file, that is, a jar file that includes the dependency, but under a new namespace. If the jar file is shaded, everything might work directly, otherwise you need to update the third party component. 


    Eclipse Temurin OpenJDK replaces Oracle Java as the embedded JDK distribution
    With this release, the Spotfire installation packages now include the Eclipse Temurin OpenJDK instead of the Oracle Java Development Kit used in previous versions.


    Updated code trust Certificate Authority
    The name of the internal Certificate Authority for the Code Trust CA of the Spotfire Server is changed from TIBCO Spotfire Code Trust Root CA to Spotfire Code Trust Root CA.

    This means that a new root CA certificate is generated on the Spotfire Server, which will be used to issue new code signing certificates when users sign new Spotfire mods. If you are using an environment with a Test or Development to Production structure, this means that the step to export and import the root CA certificate between the systems must be done again to make everything work properly for Spotfire mods signed after the upgrade. 

    See for instructions. 


    See What's coming in Spotfire for a full list of new capabilities in Spotfire 14.0 LTS.


    This document (including, without limitation, any product roadmap or statement of direction data) illustrates the planned testing, release and availability dates for TIBCO products and services. It is for informational purposes only and its contents are subject to change without any notice.
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