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  • Twitter Search Data Function for Spotfire

    Spotfire data function for returning Twitter tweets.

    Please download the Twitter Search Data Function for Spotfire from the exchange. 

    Details about the data function

    Description :  This Spotfire data function is designed to search Twitter for tweets containing a specified search string and retrieve a specified number of tweets based on the search criteria. 

    Packages required : twitteR

    Input Parameters:

    • SearchString: The text you want Twitter to search for in tweets. If not provided, a default search string "Spotfire" is used.
    • N: The number of tweets to return. If not provided, a default value of 25 is used.
    • consumer_key: Your API Key from Twitter.
    • consumer_secret: Your API Secret from Twitter.
    • access_token: Your Access Token from Twitter.
    • access_secret: Your Access Secret from Twitter.

    Output Parameters:

    • TwitterTable: A table containing information about the tweets returned from the Twitter API.

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