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  • Spotfire data function for returning Twitter tweets.

    Please download the Twitter Search Data Function for Spotfire from the exchange. 

    Details about the data function

    Description :  This Spotfire data function is designed to search Twitter for tweets containing a specified search string and retrieve a specified number of tweets based on the search criteria. 

    Packages required : twitteR

    Input Parameters:

    • SearchString: The text you want Twitter to search for in tweets. If not provided, a default search string "Spotfire" is used.
    • N: The number of tweets to return. If not provided, a default value of 25 is used.
    • consumer_key: Your API Key from Twitter.
    • consumer_secret: Your API Secret from Twitter.
    • access_token: Your Access Token from Twitter.
    • access_secret: Your Access Secret from Twitter.

    Output Parameters:

    • TwitterTable: A table containing information about the tweets returned from the Twitter API.

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