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  • Spotfire® Tips & Tricks : How to add TMS Layer in Spotfire Map Chart Visualization

    TMS (Tile Map Service) is the protocol used by Spotfire® to display map backgrounds as tiles. In this article, you will see an example of how you can add a TMS layer in Spotfire Map Visualization.

    TMS is an open standard documented by the Open Source Geospatial Foundation. TMS is most widely supported by web map providers. GeoAnalytics Resources - WMS and TMS Layers provide a non-exhaustive list of available TMS you can use in Spotfire 7.6 and later. 

    Open Sample dxp

    Open Sales and marketing sample dxp, which is part of your Spotfire Installation samples. These are useful examples, which demonstrate various use cases.


    Configure Visualization in less than one minute

    Next Click the Sales performance tab and we will change the Map layer of this visualization to the TMS layer in less than one minute.


    Right-click on map chart visualization > Select properties > Map Layer >TMS layer.

    You are required to provide a URL of the Tile Map Service.

    We have used this URL  http://a.basemaps.cartocdn.com/dark_all/{z}/{x}/{y}.png


    We have now added the TMS layer to our Map Chart Visualization. You can also change the transparency of this layer. 


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