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  • Spotfire Setup on Microsoft Azure using SQL Server DB (Spotfire database setup)

    This article provides instructions for when Spotfire server has to be installed on Microsoft Azure environment with SQL Server DB

    Current Spotfire Installation guide does not contain steps to be performed when 

    1. Spotfire server has to be installed on Microsoft Azure environment with SQL Server DB. Spotfire installation on Azure has other challenges as well. Commands like USE etc. are deprecated in Azure due to which create scripts for Spotfire database fails (Note it works with regular installation on premise)
    2. Auto run of the scripts for Spotfire database is restricted by customer

    To overcome this challenge, the database has to be created manually before the create script for Spotfire database is executed. Keep note of the database name, user name & password.

    To overcome the limitation, you can use attached scripts.

    Modify create_databases.bat file to reflect the credentials. For example, please refer below credentials

    rem Set these variable to reflect the local environment:

    set CONNECTIDENTIFIER=server_name

    set ADMINNAME=admin_user_id

    set ADMINPASSWORD=admin_password

    set SERVERDB_NAME=db_name

    set SERVERDB_USER= database_user_id

    set SERVERDB_PASSWORD=db_password

    Please ensure that your machine has sqlcmd

    Run the file using administrator access (run via cmd to track logs). It will create necessary DB & tables in SQL Server DB or Oracle DB.

    You can then follow standard Spotfire installation using installation guide. Start from server installation.

    Please follow below optional steps if your machine does't have sqlcmd installed already

    Error Encountered -

    • 'sqlcmd' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    • operable program or batch file.

    Install SQL CMD using below 3 steps in the given order

    1. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2977003/the-latest-supported-visual-c-downloads
    2. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=56567
    3. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/tools/sqlcmd-utility?view=sql-server-2017

    Setup System variable for sqlcmd using below


    Important that you browse the path rather copy pasting it

    Extra information on environment variable setup and to download odbc driver


    Before setting the SQLCMD path, ensure that you have the full path to the utility.

    • For SQL Server 2012, the path is: <drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn
    • For SQL Server 2008, the path is: <drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\ Tools\Binn
    1. Navigate to Control Panel > System and Security > System
    2. Click Change settings.
    3. Click the Advanced tab. 
    4. On the System Properties window, click Environment Variables
    5. Under System Variables, click New
    6. On the New System Variable window, type a name for this system variable in the Variable Name box, and in the Variable value box, type the path to the SQLCMD utility.
    7. Save your changes. 

    Once SQLCMD is installed, then perform below operation


    Verify if tables are populated as per populate sql file


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