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  • Spotfire Tips & Tricks: Using Automation Services to share insight

    Learn how to use Using Automation Services to share insight

    Using Automation Services to share insight

    A new task, Export Data to File, has been added in Automation Services, and new features have been added to the Send Email task.

    Export Data to File allows administrators to create automated jobs that store data to a folder on a disk. Data can be stored as .sbdf, .csv, text and .xls file types.

    The Automation Services task for sending emails now allows attaching files to the email.

    By combining this task with the export to PDF task, you can create automated jobs that export DXP files as a PDF, then email the exported files to selected recipients. Files to be attached are taken from a folder specified in the user interface. It is possible to let Automation Services delete the attached file from disk after sending it.


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