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  • Spotfire® Server Web Services API Examples - Library and User Directory Services

    This page provides example code and documentation for connecting to the Spotfire Server Web Services APIs for manipulating the Spotfire Library and User Directory. Code examples for C# and Java are provided.

    The examples provided show how one can connect to the Spotfire® Server Library and User Directory Services using the Spotfire® Server Web Services APIs.  One can download sample code for C# and Java and a provided document walks through the samples.  

    Note: This page includes information for the recent API which has been available since Spotfire® Server 7.13 which uses OAuth for authenticating the web services client.

    Spotfire® Server exposes Web Services that can used for various tasks.  As of Spotfire® Server 7.13, the current set of Spotfire® Server Web Services APIs contains the following services:

    • Information Model Service
    • Library Service
    • License Service
    • User Directory Service
    • Security Service
    • Update Analysis Service

    Attached to this article is documentation and sample code for C# and Java that walk through examples of the Library and User Directory Services.  The document is a companion to the sample code and explains:

    • How to configure Spotfire® Server to enable and grant access to the Web Services
    • How to understand the sample code 
    • How to compile the sample code using Visual Studio for C# and Eclipse for the Java Code
    • How to run the compiled samples

    Attached to this article is sample code and documentation for Spotfire® Server 7.13 and above.  Starting with Spotfire® Server 7.13, the Web Services API use the OAuth 2.0 protocol for authentication and authorization.  The documentation and sample code for 7.13 show how to use this protocol to configure and call the Web Services API. 

    See also Spotfire® Web Services API Tutorials and Examples.



    Spotfire Server API Samples_7.13.pdf

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