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  • Spotfire Mobile

    This article introduces Spotfire Mobile

    Spotfire Mobile

    Spotfire represents the state of the art in visual data discovery, analytic applications and self service dashboard creation - and also also extends its capabilities into Mobile dashboards/apps. This page is an overview of Spotfire's mobile capabilites and also links to many other assets and articles relating to Spotfires mobile capabilities. 






    Creating a Mobile application with Spotfire is just as easy as creating any Spotfire Analysis. You create a set of visualizations and pages and save them to the Spotfire library, from there your can open the Analysis using a web browser on your mobile phone, or using the Spotfire iOS App available from the Apple App store or the Spotfire Android App at Google Play. The Android and Apple Apps lets you use common mobile style interactions with your analysis such as swiping right/left between pages and even double tapping on visualizations to temporarily maximize them and then restore to normal size again.

    Here is a short video describing the use of Spotfire KPI charts on a mobile phone. 

    Good practices for designing a Mobile Application with Spotfire

    When creating a Spotfire Analysis that should be used on mobile devices it is useful to keep some things in mind. This article provides some good practices to consider.

    Using the device's GPS to use your location in the analysis

    Using the Spotfire iOS App, Spotfire can use the geographical location from the device, for instance to filter to the closest data points.

    See the documentation here and here.

    Reading Barcodes and other machine readable codes

    The Spotfire iOS App also provides the capability to read machine readable codes such as barcodes, which can be used in your application for example to display details about whatever the barcode describes. Here is the documentation about how to use this capability. Here is a very simple example that demonstrates this capability.

    Other Mobile related articles on Community 

    Here is a set of articles describing example mobile applications and features:

    How to create a drill down inside a KPI chart.

    Temporarily maximising a visualization and then restoring to original size

    Example of a mobile Spotfire App for monitoring store employee presence.

    How to enable Kerberos authentication in the Spotfire Analytics for iOS App

    How to create a URL that opens the Spotfire iOS app

    How to use the minimum page size to let the user scroll for more visualizations on a spotfire page.

    Official documentation

    The Spotfire iOS App offical documentation.

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