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  • Teradata Vantage is a great fit for Spotfire analytics. Now our smart, secure, governed, enterprise analytics platform with built-in data wrangling is enhanced with Teradata Vantage analytic functions powered by the Vantage NewSQL engine. With these new functions available from within Spotfire, business users and analytics experts alike can combine these powerful analytic tools with greater ease of use than ever.
    This article provides three examples of analytical functions essential for any company to understand customer behavior on the web. Insights gained with functions like these allow them to become insight-driven organizations and provide more value to customers.


    TIBCO Spotfire X is certified on Teradata Vantage, the data platform announced in October 2018, that can manage and analyze any type of data with high availability and concurrency while supporting all the deployment options and tools you expect.

    Teradata Vantage is a great fit for Spotfire analytics. Now our smart, secure, governed, enterprise analytics platform with built-in data wrangling is enhanced with Teradata Vantage analytic functions powered by the Vantage NewSQL engine. With these new functions available from within Spotfire, business users and analytics experts alike can combine these powerful analytic tools with greater ease of use than ever.

    The certification enhances Spotfire?s ability to provide self-service, AI-driven, visual, geo, and streaming analytics, and strengthens the long-term technology partnership between Teradata and TIBCO.

    Below are three examples of analytical functions essential for any company to understand customer behavior on the web. Insights gained with functions like these allow them to become insight-driven organizations and provide more value to customers.


    The nPath function scans a set of rows, looking for patterns that you specify. For each set of input rows that matches the pattern, nPath produces a single output row. The function provides a flexible pattern-matching capability that lets you specify complex patterns in the input data and define the values that are output for each matched input set. nPath is useful when your goal is to identify the paths that lead to an outcome. For example, you can use nPath to analyze website click data to identify paths that lead to sales over a specified amount.


    The Sessionize function maps each click in a session to a unique session identifier. A session is a sequence of clicks by one user that are separated by at most n seconds. The function is useful for both sessionization and detecting web crawler ("bot") activity. Typical use is to understand user browsing behavior on a website.


    The Attribution function is used in web page analysis, where it lets companies assign weights to pages before certain events, such as buying a product. The function takes data and parameters from multiple tables and outputs attributions.

    Other new functions within the NewSQL engine include time series functions, 4D analytics functions, and scoring functions for decision trees..

    Below are five examples of some of these functions used in Spotfire custom queries.

    Query 1

    SELECT /* npath 1 */
     path, count(*) as cnt from nPath (on
    SELECT id, TRANSLATE(tvshow USING UNICODE_TO_LATIN) AS tvshow, ts, attribution, time_to_conversion
       from attribution (
    ON ap_tables.tv_shows_1 AS "INPUT" partition by id  order by ts
    ON ap_tables.conversion_event_table_1 AS conversion DIMENSION
    ON ap_tables.model1_table_1 AS model1 DIMENSION
    ) AS dt
    WHERE attribution > 0.00 or attribution is NULL)
    partition by id order by ts
    symbols(tvshow <> 'BreakingBad' as a,
                  tvshow = 'BreakingBad' as bb)
    result(accumulate(tvshow of any (a,bb)) as path))
    GROUP BY path

    Query 2

    SELECT  /* npath 2 */
      * FROM npath (
      ON ap_tables.clickstream PARTITION BY userid ORDER BY clicktime
        Symbols (
            pagetype='home' AS home,
            pagetype <> 'home' AND pagetype <> 'checkout' AS clickview,
            pagetype='checkout' AS checkout)
            Pattern ('home.clickview*.checkout')
        Result (
            FIRST(userid of ANY(home, checkout, clickview)) AS userid,
            FIRST (sessionid of ANY(home, checkout, clickview)) AS sessioinid,
            COUNT (* of any(home, checkout, clickview)) AS cnt,
            FIRST (clicktime of ANY(home)) AS firsthome,
            LAST (clicktime of ANY(checkout)) AS lastcheckout)
        Filter (FIRST (EXTRACT(MINUTE FROM clicktime) + 10 OF ANY (home))
               FIRST (EXTRACT(MINUTE FROM clicktime) of any(checkout)))
        Mode (OVERLAPPING)

    Query 3

    select  /* npath 3 */
     ct_a, ct_c, cast(any_ab as varchar(100)) a, cast(any_ac as varchar(100)) b from npath
    (on (select * from ap_tables.nptest) partition by c2 order by c1
    mode (nonoverlapping)
    pattern ('(A.(B|C))')
    symbols(c3='A' as A,c3='B' as B,c3='C' as C)
    result(count(* of A) as Ct_A,
             count(* of C) as Ct_C,
             accumulate(c3 of any(A,B)) as Any_AB,
             accumulate(c3 of any(A,C)) as Any_AC)) as dt

    Query 4

    SELECT   /* Sessionize  1 */
    FROM Sessionize (  
    ON ap_tables.sessionize_table
    PARTITION BY partition_id
    USING  TimeColumn ('clicktime')  TimeOut (60) ClickLag (0.2) )

    Query 5

    SELECT /* Attribution  1 */
     * FROM Attribution (
      ON ap_tables.attribution_sample_table1 AS input1
        PARTITION BY user_id ORDER BY time_stamp
      ON ap_tables.attribution_sample_table2 AS input2
        PARTITION BY user_id ORDER BY time_stamp
      ON ap_tables.conversion_event_table AS conversion DIMENSION
      ON ap_tables.excluding_event_table AS excluding DIMENSION
      ON ap_tables.optional_event_table AS optional DIMENSION
      ON ap_tables.model1_table AS model1 DIMENSION
      ON ap_tables.model2_table AS model2 DIMENSION
      EventColumn ('event')
      TimestampColumn ('time_stamp')
      Windowsize ('rows:10&seconds:20')
     ) AS dt

    Below is a screenshot of the data tables returned to Spotfire for each query:


    For additional information about the Teradata Vantage platform please see:





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