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  • Show top N vs the rest in Spotfire

    This article shows how to visualize the Top N of something, versus "the rest"


    Sometimes it is useful to visualize the Top N of something, versus "the rest". This is relatively easy to do in Spotfire but requires a custom expression on the X-axis, which we will see how to achieve here.


    But first lets look at some example data:

    State    Year    Value
    Alabama    2012    251
    New York    2012    183
    Maine    2012    129
    Florida    2012    265
    California    2012    269
    Washington    2012    241
    Oregon    2012    167
    Nevada    2012    150
    Georgia    2012    116
    Alabama    2013    245
    New York    2013    230
    Maine    2013    116
    Florida    2013    290
    California    2013    127
    Washington    2013    211
    Oregon    2013    158
    Nevada    2013    268
    Georgia    2013    138
    Alabama    2014    128
    New York    2014    272
    Maine    2014    139
    Florida    2014    174
    California    2014    169
    Washington    2014    219
    Oregon    2014    101
    Nevada    2014    190
    Georgia    2014    203

    Now if we want to create a barchart which shows the top 5 states versus the rest, we need to:

    1. Create a barchart with Sum(Value) on the Y axis and [state] on the X axis

    2. Edit the expression on the X axis to:"<If(DenseRank(Sum([Value]) OVER ([state]),"desc")<=5,[state],"The Rest")>"

    3. In order to make sure the Top 5 is calculated dynamically, set the X-axis to "Evaluate Axis on-> Current filtering only" (from the properties for the Category Axis, or by right click on the category(X) axis scale).

    You should now be all set and see a barchart as below:


    You may want to add color to the chart as well, by using State on the color by axis:

    Please find attached both the data used and the DXP file I used to create the screenshots.






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