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  • Process Performance Analysis

    This page aims to give you a sample that you can use in your projects to get started. It is pretty generic and allows you to visualize various analyses from past executions.

    Download and install instructions

    The sample is provided in the attachment to this wiki (scroll down below) as a zip file. Please follow the instructions below to install it and configure it to connect to your ActiveMatrix BPM Server.

    • unzip the file "sample_process_analysis_community_v1_embedded.dxp_.zip"
    • open the sample_process_analysis_community_v1_embedded.dxp file in Spotfire Analyst (connected to your server).
    • create default information model for ec_wi_status and ec_pe_status. Follow the tutorial if needed.
    • replace the two data tables by the two pieces of information links corresponding to your ec_wi_status and ec_pe_status; Ignore the warnings. The process map, if you wanted to use it, would need to be replaced by your own studio map or image.

    Visualizations explained (available in the sample above)

    Below are screenshots and some explanations of most of the tabs you can find in the sample.

    Process KPI Summary

    This visualization display an overall process performance set of KPIs and allows for comparison between multiple versions. 


    KPIs Volumes (Nb instances) and Total Cycle time

    Process Template

    Version (represented by the color)


    Process Analysis

    This visualization allows you to drill down into the distribution of instances of the selected process and spot if there are outliers.

    You could then create a detailed visualization when selecting the outliers to look at the detailed data.


    KPIs Volumes (Nb instances) and Total Cycle time

    Process Template

    Version (represented by the color)


    Process Map

    This visualization is an example of using an image to display KPI information. The image in this case is coming from Business Studio and corresponds to the top-level representation of a process (it would need to be replaced by your own process models). It is generated when exporting the process documentation.  The export from Business Studio contains the image as well as an XML file containing the coordinates (x,y) of each object (Tasks, Start, End, etc) on the image. This XML is then imported and converted into an Excel file that Spotfire can easily read.


    Task Analysis (Volumes)

    This visualization displays a time distribution of how many tasks of the process are executed. The trellis is defined to produce a bar chart (and a color) for each Task in the process. The X-Axis is time.



    KPIs Volumes (Nb tasks executed) 

    Activity Name (Task)


    Task Analysis (Cycle Times)

    This visualization focuses on Tasks cycle time analysis:

    • There is a stacked bar chart for each task of the process. 
    • X-Axis is time (Year / Quarter / Month)
    • Each bar corresponds to the task cycle time (duration) decomposed in wait time (in red) and execution time (in blue)

    When you analyze a process for improving (reducing) its total duration, it is interesting information on each of the tasks that compose that process. You can apply reasoning such as 

    • Too much red? that means likely an organizational problem: the task is ready to be processed but is waiting too long for someone to pick it up. That probably means that there are not enough skilled resources available for that task. Or the distribution strategy could be wrong: maybe the tasks are distributed to individuals who are very busy, and instead, a pool-based (skills-based) distribution may be more efficient.
    • Too much blue? that could mean the task takes too long because the user needs to go into multiple systems, potentially re-enter the same information multiple times (with possible errors), and go back and forth between multiple screens or applications. Potentially that could lead to an opportunity to integrate the systems better and automate that particular task of the process.


    KPIs Cycle time (in minutes), decomposed into Wait time and execution time.

    Activity Name (Task)

    Task Analysis (Outliers)

    This visualization allows you to drill down into the distribution of tasks instances executed spot if there are outliers. Understand who worked on the outliers, look if the task waited too long or took too long to execute.


    KPIs Cycle time (in minutes), decomposed into Wait time and execution time.

    Activity Name (Task)


    Instance id

    Work Day Analysis

    This visualization focuses on the time (hour, minute) of the day at which each of the tasks was completed. The following graph shows 2 years of data.

    An example of insight we could get from that graph is that, if we look at the activity in purple color (AuthorizeAccountOpening) then we can notice that it only happens in the afternoon. This is probably expected for that use case where the objective is that a particular process should be finished on the same day it is started. Documents arrive by physical mail in the morning, they get scanned and the process starts in the morning. It does usually not reach the final approval process until the afternoon. The conclusion could be that, if we want to improve the cycle time of that particular task, we need to add more users with the authorizer privilege or role, but what this diagram is telling us is that probably those additional resources are only needed in the afternoon.


    KPIs Volumes of tasks executed

    Activity name (Task)

    Hour of the day




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