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  • Process Diagram Mod for Spotfire®

    This article is a user guide for a visualization mod graphically representing the process steps and their dependencies



    The Process Diagram Mod is a graphical representation of process steps and their dependencies. It has application in business activity monitoring and process tracking use cases. The mod provides two different methods for displaying a process, either as a process flow, or a process schematic. In the case of a process schematic it can be oriented either horizontally or vertically.


    Data Requirements

    Every mod handles missing, corrupted and/or inconsistent data in different ways. It is advised to always review how the data is visualized.

    The Process Diagram Mod will render a graphical representation of all the activities, tasks, and transitions within a process. These terms are defined as:

    • Process - a set of actions within a defined business process

    • Activity - a unit of work in a process that would be tracked as part of a BAM system

    • Task - a logical grouping of two or more activities for business level monitoring

    • Transition - a dependency between two activities within a process

    Here is a graphical representation of what this looks like:


    This mod can handle processes with parallel paths of execution and optional steps.

    To display the diagram, all activity, task, and transition data must exist in a single table, and each object must exist in a single row. At a minimum there must be two activity rows and a single transition row.

    The process flow layout handles all of these objects, but the process schematic does not render tasks.

    Setting Up the Mod

    The minimum data required is presented in this sample data set:

    objectType activityId taskId positionX positionY displayName initialActivityId terminalActivityId
    Activity act1Id   0 0 My First Activity    
    Activity act2Id myTaskId 20 20 My Second Activity    
    Activity act3Id myTaskId 50 20 My Third Activity    
    Transition           act1Id act2Id
    Transition           act2Id act3Id
    Task   myTaskId     My Task    

    Here there are the minimum required 3 rows, two activity rows and 1 transition row. An additional activity and transition are included, as well as a task. The row type is identified by the objectType column. The values in this column must be ActivityTransition, or Task. Any other values will cause the row to be ignored.

    The unique identifier for the activities is activityId and this must be unique within the scope of data passed into a mod instance. This is ignored for transition and task rows.

    The unique identifier for the task is taskId and this must be unique within the scope of data passed into a mod instance. To indicate which activites are part of a task, the taskId must be populated on activity rows as well. This is ignored for transition rows. Tasks are optional, and will not be displayed on process schematic layouts.

    The positionX and positionY columns are required for positioning each activity within the diagram. It may require some experimentation to determine the optimal layout for the process diagram. Task and transition positions are automatically computed based on the positions of the related activities, so these values are ignored for transition and task rows.

    The displayName column applies to the displayed name for each activity and task row. This is ignored for transition rows.

    The initialActivityId and terminalActivityId apply to transition rows, and indicate the initial and terminal activities for the transition and must refer to values in activityId for provided activity rows. These are ignored for activity and task rows.

    Additional optional fields are supported when configuring the mod properties.

    Specify the data table with marking and filters as usual. The diagram supports marking data; you can set the Marking property as desired.

    The mod includes the follow axes. Not all axis values are mandatory and will be indicated.

    Object Type

    Mandatory. Must contain "Activity", "Task", or "Transition" identifying each row as the respective object. Any other values will cause the row to be ignored.

    Display Name

    Mandatory for activities and tasks, ignored for transitions. This will be the name rendered.

    Trellis By

    Optional. If set then data will be grouped and trellised.

    Activity ID

    Mandatory for activities, ignored for tasks and transitions. This is the unique identifier for activities.


    Optional for activities and tasks, ignored for transitions. This should evaluate to a string that indicates the amount of delay for the object. For example, if an activity is delayed by 3 seconds, then this should evaluate to a string like "+3s". If the value in this field is not null and does not start with a negative sign, then the object will be flagged as being delayed and an additional red clock icon will be displayed.

    SLA Violation

    Optional for activities and tasks, ignored for transitions. This should evaluate to a boolean that indicates an object has an SLA Violation. Where this evaluates to true, an additional warning icon will be displayed.

    Had Error

    Optional for activities, ignored for tasks and transitions. This should evaluate to a boolean that indicates an activity either currently or previously has an error. Where this evaluates to true, an additional target icon will be displayed.


    Optional. for activities, ignored for tasks and transitions. This should evaluate to a boolean that indicates an activity is optional and not necessarily processed. Where this evaluates to true, additional styling will apply to put a dashed border around the activity, and any leading or trailing transitions that have not yet released will be dashed.

    Position X and Position Y

    Mandatory for activities, ignored for tasks and transitions. This will determine the positioning of activities within the diagram. Tasks and transitions will automatically be positioned based on related activity positions.

    Task ID

    Mandatory for tasks, optional for activities, ignored for transitions. For tasks this is the unique identifier for the object. For activities this is the task of which the activity is a member.

    Initial Activity ID and Terminal Activity ID

    Mandatory for transitions, ignored for activities and transitions. This indicates the activity ID of the initial and terminal activities in a transition.


    Optional for transitions, ignored for activities and tasks. This should evaluate to a boolean that indicates a transition has been activated. Where this evaluates to true the styling of the transition will change to a different format and any conditional dashes will be removed.


    Optional. On a process flow this applies to activities, tasks, and transitions. On a process schematic this applies to activities and transitions, tasks are not rendered so ignored. This will determine the color applied against graphical elements. For activities in flow diagrams, the box will be filled with the color, and in schematic diagrams the color will be applied to the circle. For tasks in flow diagrams, the color will be applied to the border. For transitions in flow and schematic diagrams, the color will be applied to the line.

    At this point the diagram should render. If configured using process flow layout, the diagram will look something like this:


    If configured using process schematic layout, the diagram will look something like this, depending how the layout is configured:




    Configuring the Mod

    Additional configuration for the mod can be accessed by clicking on the small settings icon in the upper right corner of the visualization area. This will display the configuration properties over the visualization. Maximize the visualization if necessary to update the fields. The configuration panel will only be accessible when the analysis is in Editing mode.


    Property Description Remarks
    Row Limit Maximum number of rows to render If the row count is exceeded then an error message will be displayed. This is a safety feature to keep from accidentally rendering too much data.
    Trellis Direction Direction for trellis panels Columns or Rows
    Max Trellis Panel Count Maximum number of trellis panels to render If the panel count is exceeded then an error message will be displayed. This is a safety feature to keep from accidentally rendering too much data.
    Diagram Mode The diagram display mode Flow or Schematic
    Allow Activity Marking Allows activities to be marked This setting with the next two allow you to selectively mark certain process objects, if necessary.
    Allow Task Marking Allows tasks to be marked  
    Allow Transition Marking Allows transitions to be marked  
    Transpose Schematic Coordinates Swap X and Y axes Applies only to Schematic mode, ignored for Flow. Useful to turn vertical schematics horizontal, and vice versa.

    Using the Mod

    Once the mod is configured it will render a diagram of activities positioned according to the configured position properties. Tasks will automatically be positioned based on the location of related activities. Transitions will also be automatically positioned and formatted based on initial and terminal activity locations.

    By changing the diagram mode additional configuration, the layout can be changed between process flow and process schematic. Note that in process schematic layout, tasks are not displayed. When using process schematic layout the orientation can be switched between horizontal and vertical by using the Transpose Schematic Coordinates mod configuration. If trellising is used, the configured trellis direction and schematic orientation should be configured to the most optimal combination for display.

    The mod supports marking of rows if configured. Click an activity, task, or transition to mark it. Use CTRL-Click to add additional rows to the marking, or remove an already marked row. To clear the marking, click in any open area. You can selectively disable marking particular object types in the mod configuration.

    Building the Project

    In a terminal window:

    • npm install
    • npm start

    In a new terminal window:

    • npm run server

    Help and Support

    This Mod is not supported by Spotfire® Support.
    In the event of issues or to suggest features and enhancements, submit an issue in the Mod's GitHub repository.
    For general questions about Mods, please post a question in the Forum for Extensions & Mods to make it visible and routed to the appropriate team(s) to respond.

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