A breadcrumb navigation masthead script
This masthead only supports the masthead-nav navigation component.
<div id="masthead" style="FONT-SIZE: 20px; BACKGROUND: #3498db; COLOR: white"></div> <div id="masthead-nav" style="text-align:center;font-size:20px"> <a>page 1</a> <a>page 2***</a> <a>page 3</a> </div>
var masthead = document.getElementById("masthead"); activeColor = masthead.style.background.replace("rgb","rgba").replace(")",",.8)") html = ` <ul class="masthead-nav" id="breadcrumb"> </ul> <style> #breadcrumb { font-size: ${masthead.style.fontSize}; /* ◄ dynamic font size from masthead */ list-style: none; display: inline-block; } #breadcrumb li { float: left; } #breadcrumb li a { color: ${masthead.style.color} !important; /* ◄ dynamic from masthead text color*/ display: block; background: ${masthead.style.background}; /* ◄ dynamic from masthead background color*/ text-decoration: none; position: relative; height: calc(${masthead.style.fontSize}*2); /* ◄ dynamic 2x font size*/ line-height: calc(${masthead.style.fontSize}*2); /* ◄ dynamic 2X font size*/ padding: 0 10px 0 5px; text-align: center; margin-right: 23px; } #breadcrumb li:first-child a { padding-left: 15px; } #breadcrumb li:last-child a { padding-right: 15px; } #breadcrumb li a:before, #breadcrumb li a:after { content: ""; position: absolute; top: 0; border: 0 solid ${masthead.style.background}; /*◄ dynamic background color*/ border-width:${masthead.style.fontSize} 10px; /*◄ dynamic 1X font size*/ } #breadcrumb li a:before { left: -20px; border-left-color: transparent; } #breadcrumb li a:after { left: 100%; border-color: transparent; border-left-color: ${masthead.style.background} ; /*◄ dynamic background color*/ } #breadcrumb li a:hover, #breadcrumb .active { background-color: ${activeColor}; /*◄ dynamic font color*/ color: ${masthead.style.color} !important; /*◄ dynamic background color*/ } #breadcrumb li a:hover:before, #breadcrumb .active:before { border-color: ${activeColor}; /*◄ dynamic font color*/ border-left-color: transparent; } #breadcrumb li a:hover:after, #breadcrumb .active:after { border-left-color: ${activeColor}; /*◄ dynamic background*/ } </style> ` masthead.innerHTML = html //move elements function function moveElement(from,to){ if(to!=undefined){ if (from.id == "masthead-nav") [...document.querySelectorAll("#masthead-nav a")].forEach(a=>{ li = document.createElement("li"); if(a.innerText.endsWith("***")) { a.className="active" a.innerText = a.innerText.replace("***","") } li.append(a); document.querySelector(".masthead-nav").append(li) }) } from.remove() } //finds #masthead-nav, #masthead-title and place its contents to .masthead-nav, .masthead-title and so on) var imports = "nav,title,logo,options,filters,nav-icons"; imports = imports.split(",").map(x=>{return "#masthead-"+x}).join(", "); [...document.querySelectorAll(imports)].forEach(e=>{t="."+e.id;moveElement(e,document.querySelector(t)) }); masthead.style.background="none";
To make this script fixed at the top of the screen, try the JavaScript Fixed Masthead for Spotfire
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