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  • IronPython script to Get Aggregated Data from Spotfire

    It is sometimes necessary to access aggregated data from within an IronPython script. This can be done by creating a temporary cross table and then exporting that cross table in memory.


    It is sometimes necessary to access aggregated data from within an IronPython script. This can be done by creating a temporary cross table and then exporting that cross table in memory. 

    Create Temp Cross Table

    The below script can be used to create a new cross table visualization, set the data table and axes of the visualization and export the data in the cross table. Finally, it will delete the temporary cross table (by deleting its containing page) after use.

    # Copyright © 2017. TIBCO Software Inc.  Licensed under TIBCO BSD-style license.
    from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals import *
    import System.Drawing.Bitmap
    from System.IO import StringReader, StreamReader, StreamWriter, MemoryStream, SeekOrigin
    from System.Collections.Generic import Dictionary
    from Spotfire.Dxp.Data.Import import TextFileDataSource, TextDataReaderSettings
    from Spotfire.Dxp.Data import DataType, DataTableSaveSettings
    def getPage(pageTitle):
    	for page in Document.Pages:
    		if page.Title == pageTitle:
    			return page
    def getVisual(page, visTitle):
    	for vis in page.Visuals:
    		if vis.Title == visTitle:
    			return vis.As[VisualContent]()
    # Create a temporary cross table
    tempPage = Document.Pages.AddNew("Temp");
    crossTablePlot = tempPage.Visuals.AddNew(VisualTypeIdentifiers.CrossTable).As[CrossTablePlot]();
    crossTablePlot.Data.DataTableReference = Document.Data.Tables["Beds.and.Homeless"];
    crossTablePlot.MeasureAxis.Expression = "Sum([Beds]) as [Beds]";
    crossTablePlot.RowAxis.Expression = "<[State]>";
    crossTablePlot.ColumnAxis.Expression = "<[Axis.Default.Names]>";
    crossTablePlot.ShowColumnGrandTotal = False;
    crossTablePlot.ShowRowGrandTotal = False;
    crossTablePlot.Data.WhereClauseExpression = "[State] = "AK""
    # Read the cross table
    stream = MemoryStream()
    writer = StreamWriter(stream)
    stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin)
    reader = StreamReader(stream)
    line = ""
    bFirstLine = True
    headers = Dictionary[str, int]()
    while (True):
    	line = reader.ReadLine()
    	if line == None: break
    	if bFirstLine:
    		colIndex = 0
    		for col in line.Split('t'):
    			headers.Add(col, colIndex)
    			colIndex += 1
    		bFirstLine = False;
    		values = line.Split('t')
    		print values[headers["State"]] + " " + str(values[headers["Beds"]])
    # Delete the page
    for page in Document.Pages:
    	if page == tempPage:
    		# Document.Pages.Remove(page)

    License:  TIBCO BSD-Style License



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