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  • IronPython Checkbox and Radio Buttons Property Control for Spotfire

    Extend the possibilities of Property Controls by creating Checkboxes and Radio Buttons to control Document Properties


    Property controls are a way to control document properties through input elements. Think of document properties are variables that can be used almost everywhere in your analysis. For example, you can set a document property to manipulate the output of a calculated column, be part of a data function input parameter, or part of a custom expression. They can also be used as parameters to retrieve data on-demand or trigger a script when the document property changes to automate a set of actions.

    Spotfire provides a set of powerful ways to control document properties through input fields, dropdowns, list boxes and sliders. These are called Property Controls in TIBCO Spotfire, but there are  no check-boxes or radio buttons available out of the box as of yet. However we can easily create them with out of the box features





    To create radio buttons or checkbox property controls, we need:

    1. A Boolean Document Property and optionally a script to run when this document property changes

    2. A Calculated value that uses the Boolean Document Property as the custom expression and a script to change the state of the Boolean Document Property state.

    For example, if we want to create a a checkbox that turns on or off the visualization gridlines, you create a "showGrids" Boolean document property and attach a script so when the document property changes, it triggers the script. Now we need another way change the Boolean document property. This can be done by using a calculated value that triggers the script that toggles the Boolean document property


    Checkbox Property Control Example

    This example demonstrate how to create a checkbox to turn on and off a visualization grid

    1. Create a Boolean Document Property called "cb"

    2. Create a script that triggers when Boolean Document Property changes

      from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals import Visualization
      myVis = myVis.As[Visualization]()
      myVis.XAxis.Scale.ShowGridlines = Document.Properties["cb"]
      myVis.YAxis.Scale.ShowGridlines = Document.Properties["cb"]
    3. Create a calculated value with custom expression and script

    custom expression: 

     if(${cb},"[X]",[ ])


     Document.Properties["cb"] = not Document.Properties["cb"]

    Radio Button Property Control example

    In this example we create 3 radio buttons so the user can only select one option to set the label visibility mode

    1. Create a Boolean document property for each radio option. For example  "op1", "op2", "op3"

    2. Create a script that triggers when any of the Boolean document property changes

      if Document.Properties["op1"]: myVis.LabelVisibility = LabelVisibility.All
      if Document.Properties["op2"]: myVis.LabelVisibility = LabelVisibility.Marked 
      if Document.Properties["op3"]: myVis.LabelVisibility = LabelVisibility.None
    3. Create a calculated value with custom expression and script

    custom expression: 

     if(${cb},"(X)",( ))
    Document.Properties["op1"] = False
    Document.Properties["op2"] = False
    Document.Properties["op3"] = False
    Document.Properties[dp] = True

    Video Tutorial

    Here is a video explaining what I mean in this article. Enjoy!



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