At the URTeC (Unconventional Resources) Conference in Denver, Camilo Rodriguez (Assistant Director Product Management, IHS Markit) and Michael O'Connell (Chief Analytics Officer, Spotfire) will be presenting some of our latest findings and methodology.
This talk Highlights the recently established partnership between IHS Markit and Spotfire to provide advanced analytics capabilities with vast amounts of energy data.
To demonstrate a typical workflow, Camilo starts an analysis in the IHS Kingdom platform to examine a volume of seismic data. He uses Kingdom to extract multi-parameter data along a particular geological horizon to analyze and characterize the geological features seen on this surface.
In Kingdom with Spotfire he calculates Principal Components over these parameters; the first 5-6 PCAs describe the data well. The first few raw PCA components highlight some interesting geological features such as folds and channels, PCA 1 and PCA 2 shown here:
Next, one applies a SOM (Self-Organizing Map) methodology to the first few principal components. With Spotfire, linking the SOM and seismic horizon visualizations is a powerful tool for exploring features. In the figure below, the portion of the SOM that highlights the geological region of interest (yellow) is quickly found and is used to tightly define the geological feature of interest (watch the short loop):
Next we apply a distance calculation on a grid, to identify all geographic locations that are greater than a threshold distance from any existing wells:
This procedure creates a distance mask which is now applied to a map of TOC (Total organic carbon) to illustrate potential new sites. Using Spotfire's interactivity, the best potential new sites can be highlighted:
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